Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mittens & McCrory, Sittin' in a Tree!

The Asheville Citizen-Times today reported that Pat McCrory has cancelled a scheduled press conference with Jeb Bush set for Thursday. It is clear that Pat McCrory doesn’t want to face mounting questions about why he won’t release his tax returns. 
Making matters worse for McCrory, his guest, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, has called on Presidential candidate Mitt Romney to release his tax returns. Bush also has a history of releasing his own taxes when running for Governor. Bush has released over 20 years of tax returns across three campaigns for Governor. 
“Clearly Jeb Bush thinks transparency is important for a candidate for Governor, but we won’t hear that tomorrow. McCrory has put a muzzle on all attempts to get the truth about what he does for a living and who is paying him,” said Gerrick Brenner, Executive Director of Progress North Carolina Action.


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Let me be clear, I will vote for Mitt and Pat. I do not care if they release their tax returns or not. This is an attempt by extreme liberals in the media to distract from the major corruption with Democrats in North Carolina and the unemployment over 8% for the last forty months. If Dalton and Obama are elected, it will be the end of small business in North Carolina and the US.

  2. Anonymous6:13 PM

    or fully loaded

  3. Hey, Anonymous. Look in your own backyard. Your own Party has been in charge of jobs for the past two years, but they were too worried about gay folks and black folks and women folks to do anything about it.

  4. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Obama has been in charge of jobs for three years.

  5. Frank9:15 AM

    Actually, the Congress has been in charge of jobs for the last two years, and the House, run by Republicans, has refused every single one of Obama's jobs plans and offered none of their own. As for the Republican state legislator, what jobs bill have they put forward? Name one, other than the huge tax break to corporations in the name of trickle down.

  6. Anonymous2:55 PM

    What jobs plans has Obama presented? He has no plan.

    The Democrat Senate has killed many jobs plans passed by the Republican house
