Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ideological Migration Inside the GOP?

The National Republican Party (bless its heart) launched a "help us write the Republican National Platform" website on Friday, inviting Republicans to make "open-source" suggestions of what should be included in that momentous document. The system invites people to write up anything they think should (or shouldn't) be nailed up in a platform plank, then allows others to “second” the idea. The ones with the most “seconds” will then be voted on, contributors are promised.

Some of the suggestions on the site presently:
Remove “Pro-Life” from the Party PlatformIt has been almost 40 years since Roe v. Wade, and regardless how we feel about it, it is firmly established as the law of the land. In my opinion, it is more important to save our country by preserving liberty (both economic and individual) than to dwell on the abortion issue. If we let our country be destroyed by the Democrats, the abortion issue will hardly matter anyway. 
End All SubsidiesEnd all energy subsidies (especially oil and gas), because they act as barriers to innovation. This will eventually bring down the cost of energy. All forms of energy should be able to compete within the free market. 
The Anti-War PartyBring home the troops and eliminate most basis in foreign countries. Don’t spread the military thin across the world. Declare war constitutionally through congress. Become the anti-war party. 
800 bases in 120 foriegn nations is too costly and not neededWe are wasting so much on unneeded bases around the globe. Bring the troops and the associated funding back to the states. We still have the best navy, submarines, long range missiles, stealth bombers and Marines. 
Banning Indefinite DetentionsProposed language:
“While we strongly support our military and our troops in harms way, we cannot allow the sacrifice of our essential liberties to an over reaching federal government. We support the U.S. District Court’s ruling to block section 1021 of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that allowed for the indefinite military detention of US Citizens…” 
Avoid the topic of Same-Sex MarriageUnfortunately I know most in our party do not agree with me, but I believe that if we continue to push back against Same-Sex marriage it will cause immense damage to our party for years to come. Polls already show that most young-Republicans are either in favor of same-sex marriage or in general do not care about this specific issue.
With the Party locked in the iron jaws of Tea Party conservatism, how successful do you reckon such ideas will be?


  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Hopefully not sucessful at all. WE already have the Democrats to support the murder of unborn babies and socialism.

  2. Liberal POV4:01 PM


    I see you have great concern for the fetus but where does all of that concern go for real living fellow human being?

    Your kind cheer the death penalty, boo Gay American soldiers, support Human Rights abuse and torture. You demonize fellow Christians because they don't have proper paper work and call them Criminal Illegal Aliens and lobby to keep their children from being educated or treated at local hospitals. You say you support freedom and way your flag and Bible while hate mongering for second class citizenship for gay citizens or worst. Many of you work against health care for all while being on Medicare.
    You're a Limbaugh Republican, void of humanity, compassion, justice or morality.
    You want to dictate your extreme religious beliefs on some young pregnant girl or woman, depriving her of her own decisions and rights about her own body and when to have children. Tell us again how you believe in freedom and what a GOOD Christian you are.

  3. Looks like there are stealth Dems posting their views on the GOPer site! I wonder how they will weed out what they don't want to hear from what the TP people want them to say? Or even more important what the Kochs, Rush, Rove, and Rupert want? Notice I did not mention what Romeny wants, it's pretty much irrelevant since he's just a tool of big $ anyway.

  4. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Please find a way to prevent Americans from entering into poverty. More people are now in poverty than ever before. Add a strong position on education. Our students are ranked 25th in math and science and over 20% drop out of school. In ten states, public employee pensions are resulting in financial default. They can not paid what has been promised.

  5. Anonymous8:27 AM

    You do not have to be stealthy to post on the conservative site. Everyone is welcome except LPOV because of his repetition of the same thing over and over again and his offer to stop which is being enforce. This may be the only time he has told the truth in his life because they took his offer as his word.

    On the other hand, this site censors conservatives regularly, particularly if they make a telling point in the conversation.

  6. Liberal POV8:41 AM


    "Our students are ranked 25th in math and science and over 20% drop out of school."

    These are just the voters of Republicans are looking for, ignorance is a friend of conservtives. Why do you think they invest so much on right wing Christian radio, Clear Channel and Fox?

  7. bettywhite11:04 AM

    "On the other hand, this site censors conservatives regularly, particularly if they make a telling point in the conversation."

    This has been pointed out numerous times, but it bears repeating: This is JW's blog, and he can do whatever he wants. This is not a government site. His blog, his rules. He can delete any comments that he wants to. If you don't like it, you're free to start your own blog. No one forces you to come here and post.

  8. Anonymous5:29 PM


    Nobody is saying he doesn't have a right to refuse any posts he wants to.

    I believe people are just pointing out that he does so.

  9. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Liberals are terrified of the truth.

  10. johnbyjohn8:15 AM

    The truth has a well-known liberal bias! :-)

  11. Liberal POV8:53 AM


    Where do you find your truth? Facts? History? Reality?

    Why do your comments sound so much like the garbage on the Rush Limbaugh Show?

  12. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Because Limbaugh usually speaks the truth.

  13. Anonymous1:01 PM

    "Because Limbaugh usually speaks the truth."

    It's frightening isn't it, that so many are born each moment, PT Barnum
