Monday, June 18, 2012

SBC Goes Heretic Hunting

Watching from this distance the accusations of "heretic" being tossed about within the Southern Baptist Convention, I'm reminded of something Robert Ingersoll said more than a century ago: “Heresy is a cradle; orthodoxy, a coffin.”


  1. Isn't it comforting that I don't (have to) believe in original sin - or salvation for that matter. A person is born with the capacity for both good and evil and has the responsibility to CHOOSE the former.

  2. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Jerry Wayne,
    These clingers with their bibles and guns have elected Fred Luter, Jr to lead their group. You can forget about the "heretic hunting". I wonder if Caesar Obammus will send a note to Luter commenting on his elevation to head the SBC? You might need to pick on some other group.

  3. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Out of curiosity, who or what taught you the concept of good and evil and what defined it, amp?

  4. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Who did Adam and Eve's children have sex with?

  5. Anonymous@7:52 AM. Maybe you'll learn something here. What I wrote is one of the basic concepts of Judaism.

  6. Anonymous4:37 PM

    So, you are offering a religious opinion, just not that of original sin?

  7. Anonymous5:48 PM

    AMJP, No it is not comforting that you do not believe in salvation. I truthfully find it very sad.

  8. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Thank goodness we live in America where we welcome Jew AND Gentile; where my neighbor can subscribe to Predestination and I may believe in Free Will. Personally, I also believe human beings may CHOOSE to do good or evil...and for me salvation opens the door for what I believe the correct choice to be (Good - if that's not pretty clear already).

  9. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Once again, who or what taught you the differene in good and evil?

  10. Carrie11:27 AM

    Wow, it looks like someone is trying to insinuate that if you're not religious then you are not moral or ethical. Sorry to burst people's bubbles but you do not have to be religious to be moral or ethical.

  11. Anonymous3:05 PM

    O.K. who or what taught you what is moral and ethical? Where did they lean it?

  12. Carrie10:41 AM


    Cultures teach you. Most human beings have exactly the same moral institutions regardless of if they are religious or not. Let me ask you something, are you "moral" or "ethical" because you are afraid of going to Hell?
