Friday, June 08, 2012

North Carolina Republicans Declare War on Science

You've probably heard that the North Carolina General Assembly (the cluelessness of Sen. Soucek, squared) is moving forward on a bill to strangle science before it can project sea-level rise on our coast that might imperil developers and their plans to develop. The revised legislation would ban -- ban -- sea-level rise projections that are based on global climate change data.

Pushing this piece of head-in-the-sand ignorance is a group calling itself NC-20, referring to 20 coastal counties which stand to lose the most in development dollars if builders actually pay attention to scientific research. And guiding the intellectual argument against science for NC-20 is one John Droz, about whom Laura Leslie posted an investigative report late Wednesday night.

It says a great deal about the quality of our current legislative majority that John Droz is the "authority" they are listening to.

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  1. shyster5:06 AM

    The Global Warming deniers get the benefit of time. The change is gradual and they will be long-dead when the ocean reaches their doorstep and the air has "chunks" in it.
    In the mean time, they can avoid both the problem and the expense and trouble of a fix.
    They whine about the debts we are passing on to our children. This is a debt we are passing on that they will have no ability to pay.

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    As man made global warming was proven to be a hoax by it's proponents'own shoddy science, such a ban would be a good thing.

  3. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Jerry Wayne-The NC Coastal Resources Commission's Science on Coastal Hazards predicts that by 2100, the sea level along the NC coast will rise by 1-meter or 39". This report is supported by DENR. This conclusion is only a prediction by them and no probability is assigned as they only say that it is "likely". No one is willing to define what "likely" means. This coming week maybe "likely" will be defined with some real probability. God only knows.

  4. Liberal POV9:17 AM

    Anonymous or Guy

    "As man made global warming was proven to be a hoax by it's proponents'own shoddy science, such a ban would be a good thing."
    This is typical of conservative bullshit propaganda this person posted as though it were actually true.
    Notice how the person above uses the term "man made global warming was proven to be a hoax " but post no supporting edivence knowing he or she would have to post Koch Brothers hired propagandist like Beck or Limbaugh.

    Supporting evidences below.

  5. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Hey I got a plan, let's underfund K-12, cut thousands of teaching positions while saying we are adding positions. Then lets put out a report card by ALEC that gives NC a D- so we can pass new reforms. We can git rid of the college educated and accredited teachers by removing tenure and going to online certification tests for teachers so my cousins can be given a job as teachers. Don't worry, my friends in the corporate community control the online certification process--big money---so there are kickbacks for us.
    Then we put in an A-F grading system like in Florida, it's from ALEC, as well, and the testing company we use to produce the test and grade the schools is a gravy train, $250 million in Florida alone, kickbacks for us and no overhead anymore, the test is done.

    Lets continue to cut more from our early childhood programs pre-k and smart start cause we don't want the kids reading too well by third grade, we want to hold them back, that's more tax dollars for us, we can use my corporate friends to teach these third-grade kids how to read in special programs before promoting them, big bucks for us.

    All in all, if we keep them, the voters dumb, we can build in the surf, drill under grandmother's kitchen for gas--hell, take grandmother's property by eminent domain if the oil company says so--, fill the coffers of our religious schools, keeping the future generations in line and voting for us and best of all keep winning elections, cause our corporate buddies will fun our campaigns.

    PS, Don't tell anyone but in our edu brochure we also said that Education Week 2012 gave NC a C+. We shrewdly didn't tell anyone that Education Week 2012 gave Florida a C+, too. We don't want to confuse anyone, NC education is bad, Florida is good.

    So happy we have our Senator Apodaca on ALEC's national education task force, his co-sponsorship and guidance is great. Soucek begged to sponsor this edu bill too, but he is busy improving the lives of the residents in Boone and he's not to swift, if you know what I mean.

    Your friend,
    Senate Leader.

    Forgot, please send in you special ALEC get away dues. We have an island picked out for all of us to live on where the air and water is clean and we won't be bothered by our religious backers who vote for us. I just hate it when they call.

  6. Anonymous8:23 AM

    LPOV, their own exposed emails proved man made global warming is a hoax. The argument is over.

  7. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Dear Watauga Watch,
    In science using the term "consensus" has proven not to be exact. If one wants to use IPCC data to form an opinion, I would caution. The Royal Society in the UK use a term, "Nullius in Verba" as a rule for members of their body. Translated, "on the words of no one" or "take nobody's word for it." The likely event of the NC ocean area rising by 1.0meter by 2100 fits this concept. Since not of you will be around in 2100, it may be difficult to place a bet.

  8. Anonymous8:41 AM

    ONE small group at ONE University was shown to have fudged SOME of their calculations. "Exposed emails" do not show that man-made global climate chaos is a "hoax".....whatever you heard on Fox News. I chose to read rather lengthier coverage of issues in order to evaluate such stories more accurately.

  9. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I chose to read rather lengthier coverage of issues in order to evaluate such stories more accurately. I firmly believe in the propaganda my masters feed me

  10. Anonymous2:23 PM

    News from Raleigh today: Republicans have declared war on teenagers, education, mental health, the environment,transportation, women, public comment and the State Constitution.

    Wonder what tomorrow will bring...

  11. Liberal POV3:55 PM

    Liberal POV said...
    Flat Earthers (Deborah Greene, Guy, and Dan Soucek)
    These are the same type people that have always denied Science, and change, what's new is they now deny math nad for some insane reason believe the earth is only 6000 years old.
    These are the same people who support massive military spending, needless wars, tax cuts for the rich but want a balanced budget on the backs of teachers, fireman, police, the poor and children.

  12. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Wel, Lpov admitted the argument is over. He went into personal attack mode.

  13. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Ummmm...he's attacking their POSITIONS, not them personally. And discuss differences of position/opinion is what people do on blogs.

  14. Anonymous9:44 AM

    anon...attacking their positions? Can you direct us to their posts where they take the position that the earth is flat? Or where any of them said that the earth is 6000 years old?

    Thank you.

  15. Liberal POV10:34 AM

    Anonymous 8:08AM

    Let me try to explain.

    If I say Anonymous 8:08AM is afraid to engage in a real debate, fails to present supporting facts for his or her arguments or that you are a flat earther because you reject science, known proven factual knowledge or math, you could take that personal but it does have to do with the debate.
    If I say to Anonymous 8:08AM
    "These are the same type people that have always denied Science, and change, what's new is they now deny math and for some insane reason believe the earth is only 6000 years old.
    These are the same people who support massive military spending, needless wars, tax cuts for the rich but want a balanced budget on the backs of teachers, fireman, police, the poor and children."

    That's a disagreement with political ideas, opinions, injustice or solutions to current issues facing todays world.
    Offer solutions, ideas and lets compete with real facts, real math in a real debate.

    Posting your opinion or that of Rush Limbaugh on the internet does not make it fact.
    I hope this helps.

    The conservative Republicans over at Watauga Conservative are afraid of a real debate, even from a blue collar liberal with poor writing skills, when they are constantly challenged with facts, logic, math, history or called out for scapegoating and bigotry in their post from extreme conservtive web sites.
    Censorship is just easier for the conservatives than a real debate on real issues. A debate would require thinking, which is why they tune to Rush Limbaugh , to avoid thinking for themselves.

  16. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Go get 'em Lib! We are all proud of you!

  17. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Lib, you cannot deny that email by its proponents showed man made global warming is a hoax. No rational person believes in it anymore.

  18. Liberal POV8:59 AM

    Anonymous 9:32 PM

    Lib, you cannot deny that email by its proponents showed man made global warming is a hoax."
    I can and I will.
    These are my sources, but I don't see you posting any evidence to your claim.
    Thanks for posting as an example of the small minds controlling the Republican Party.
    I hear Republicans say they want to take their country back. The question is to what century?

  19. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Propaganda pieces all.

  20. Carrie11:37 AM

    Climate change is real. All "Climate Gate" showed is that scientists can be petty. Of course, we are human. Perhaps I should explain to anon about the peer reviewed process and how science works in general. The scientific method works by someone having a hypothesis based upon observations. Now they create methods to test this hypothesis. They test this hypothesis through experimentation. They then reject or accept the hypothesis. These hypotheses will get tested and retested and retested and retested and retested and retested.... I think you get the point there. They have to be retested a lot. Eventually scientists came to a consensus and this becomes a theory. Climate change is real and is partly caused by us. So is evolution.

  21. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Climate change is certainly real. It has been happening since the beginning of time and will continue until the end of time. Man has nothing to do with it. They have no valid science to support man made climate change as their own correspondence to each other clearly stated.

  22. Carrie11:07 AM

    CO2 has been shown to have an impact on global warming. Man puts out CO2 with cars, coal plants, etc. So yes, we're partly causing it.
