Thursday, April 05, 2012

Qs for Nathan Miller

As the Republican members of the Watauga County Commission launched their sneak attack on equal treatment under the law Tuesday morning, voting a resolution in support of Amendment 1 along straight partisan lines, Commission Chair Nathan Miller said, “Personally, it matters a lot to me that marriage be between one man and one woman.”


If I were a member of that Commission, I think I might have asked my Chair a question or two about that statement:

1. How does someone else’s happiness negatively affect your own?

2. How does someone else’s rights take away your rights?

3. Is your grip on marriage so fragile that someone else’s marriage will destroy it?

4. Do they not teach logic in law school any more?


  1. Liberal POV8:46 AM

    I would ask this question. Why does he needs the GOP and hate mongering preachers to protect his marriage?

  2. Anonymous10:21 AM

    You mean preachers like the Reverend Wright?

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I applaud the County Commissioners for taking this stand. Many counties throughout the state have taken the same action supporting Amendment 1.

    I certainly hope the Boone Town Council will take such a stand. It is time that voters stand up for what is right.

    POV where are you coming from with this hate mongering GOP and preacher stuff. Why do you feel there is hate? I can not understand that.

  4. Happily Married1:09 PM


    Please explain how you think your perspective is not only right I assume for you persoannly) but also right for everyone else in the State.

  5. Liberal POV1:50 PM


    The Republicans with the help of right wing groups like American for Prosprity have made the words Reverend Wright a code word to replace the N word.

  6. Liberal POV1:56 PM


    "POV where are you coming from with this hate mongering GOP and preacher stuff."

    The Republican want to limit freedom and Liberty for a minority

    The Republican have never won a national election without injecting fear and hate as a political tool.

    This whole issue of Gay marriage was a strategy by the GOP to divide working class people along this controversial issue using bigotry and hate as a political tool.

  7. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Happily Married:

    I think if you look closely at what is happening in many NC counties you see where my perspective is coming from. This says to me the majority of people are in favor of this amendment. I think counties are standing up for what they believe is right. There is nothing wrong with that.

    I also believe people favor this amendment because most intelligent people realize it does not make good business sense to offer benefits to domestic partnerships (i.e. gay couple or unmarried couples). I would be personally offended if the company that employs me offered benefits to my co-worker Tom's boyfriend.

    It all comes down to this, people think they have rights when they actually don't. I am also tired of being poltically correct. Someone corrected me when I used the term Easter break as opposed to Spring Break.

    I have noticed a local church is advertising to vote against this amendment. Personally, I was appauled at such. I am not sure what Bible this church is using. I would think their leader and pastor is somewhat uninformed.

  8. Liberal POV5:31 PM


    The human rights, civil right, freedom and liberty of fellow NC citizens should not be put to a vote. Even today people like you would try to keep interracial couples from marrying if it were put to a popular vote.

    Jesus sided with the oppressed and those without political power not the opposite as you do.

    Bigotry and hate are often popular, that why he GOP has decided to use bigotry as a political tool.

    How about an answer to my question? Why do you feel you need the GOP to protect your marriage from gay marriage? How would you be any less married or in love?

  9. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Don't worry, Be happy!

  10. Anonymous8:35 PM

    449 anon

    The bible that says love your neighbor

  11. Anonymous7:40 AM

    No one has yet to answer two very relevant questions left on another thread.

    1. Which Book, Chap, and verses did Jesus say people should try to put his teachings into secular legislation.

    2. Where in the New Testament does Jesus, not Paul or others, specifically talk about consenting homosexual relationships.

    Lastly, I leave you with this.

    "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or the free exercise thereof..." U.S. Constitution

  12. Happily Married8:47 AM

    Anon 4:49

    There might very well be a majority of people in NC that believe that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. Having a simple majority does not make something right for everyone and that is my point. Any business class will teach you that the employee/employer relationship is a two way street and in order to keep your most valuable employees you need to offer better wages and benefits - so it actually does not make good business sense. I am concerned that you would be personally offended if Tom's boyfriend got benefits. The fact that Tom has a boyfriend should be none of your business. Would you also be personally offended if Tom is white and his wife is black? Seems like you might have some hate issues. Your political correctness is a personal perspective. Someone might be offended if you take an Easter holiday because they might be Jewish - should they throw out political correctness and tell you your beliefs offend them. Maybe they are personally offended that you want a Christmas Holiday, should they go to your employer and try to get that taken away? Please understand this very clearly. People believe in different things and that has to be OK. It has to be OK for you to believe in what you believe in. It has to be OK if people believe homosexuals should be married. We all have to live in the same place. I have queried before about the fact that the Muslim religion is the fastest growing in the world. What if they achieve a simple majority in this state and try to insert muslim beliefs into the laws of NC? Would that be OK just because they have a simple majority? Where you are wrong is people do have rights - period. It is called equal protection under the law - 14th amendment. Finally your beliefs and ideas offend me - the difference is I don't try to make my beliefs the law to force you to live by them.

  13. Anonymous10:42 AM

    "Having a simple majority does not make something right for everyone "

    No, it also leaves out people that believe in incest and pedophilia.

    It does win elections.

  14. bettywhite12:41 PM

    Well said, Happily Married. And that seems to be the biggest difference here between supporters and opponents of the amendment. I do NOT agree with Holy Rollers who are trying to put their religious views into the law, but I am not trying to do the same with my religious views. Everyone is entitled to his or her own religious beliefs and the free exercise thereof. However, we are not entitled to have our personal beliefs forced onto others by passing laws. Every time throughout history when the church has been involved in governing, it has been a disaster.

  15. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Bettywhite, have you ever read anything written by the founding fathers? It doesn't look like it.

  16. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Liberal POV, Betty White, and Happily Married ... It is very simple, we have to have a standard to govern by. Enough said.

    Also, this nation was founded on Christian principles and belief. If you have a problem with it, then I am sorry.

  17. Anonymous8:30 PM

    We have a system of government in place that doesnt work perfectly but does seem to work pretty well. The constitution we have is good enough for me. No need to add prohbitions against who can marry each other. If the present law is not able to withstand a constitutional challenge then maybe it is time for it to fail.

    I dont know why this is so partisan an issue but I am neither Democrat nor republcan. I am independent but have some libertarian in me and i dont need more government dictates!

  18. Happily Married9:20 PM

    It is so frustrating to read the responses from the biased and closed minded. Why does the answer go to incest and pedophilia? I have never advocated for pedophilia and there is a reason it is against the law. Is there a reason homosexuals should not marry? Please please please explain this. Yes we need standards. The 14 amendment simply says these standards must treat everyone equally. The current law does not. Please argue this away. The lack of reason from the bible bumping bigots is simply cementing my passion in making sure that this thing does not pass and the trying to find some way to get back at you ******** for causing pain and suffering fro my family and friends.

  19. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Happily Married
    You have made it clear in your last post that

    1) You want to get back at people by not allowing this to pass. And you call my beliefs and understanding of what is right and wrong one sided??

    2) That is has caused you and your family pain? How?

  20. Liberal POV11:43 AM


    " It is very simple, we have to have a standard to govern by. Enough said."

    So you want a Theocracy in America and don't really believe in freedom or liberty for anyone but yourself.

    American citizens who are believers in the Jewish faith, Islam, Buddist, non fundamentalist Christians, non believers or any other religion don't have the same level of citizenship you have as a "real American", is that what the local hate mongering ministers and Republican Party are preaching?

  21. Anonymous2:12 PM

    LPOV, the other Anonymous did not even imply what you claim. You need remedial reading lessons.

  22. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Liberal POV
    No they are not preaching that. Where do you get this from?

    And please stop calling us hate mongering.

  23. bettywhite1:11 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Bettywhite, have you ever read anything written by the founding fathers? It doesn't look like it."

    Oh, do you mean those same founding fathers who owned slaves and thought that women shouldn't worry their pretty little heads about things like politics and careers? Sure, I've read lots of their writings. I know that originally "We the People" only meant "We the white male landowners." Our society has grown and changed tremendously since that time. It is my hope that those words in the Preamble will someday lead us to that "More perfect Union" where everyone truly is treated equally. We're not there yet, though.
