Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Get 'er Done!

Mark Binker tweeted a few minutes ago that "Five Democratic members of the Council of State have just called for NCDP chairman David Parker to resign."



  1. My understanding of the current state of affairs is that this call for resignation by the council will likely be rescinded, as the NCDP has with the help of it's attorneys, applied to the SEC to amend it's personnel policies.
    Chairman Parker followed all aspects of law, and party rules, and the advice of the party's attorneys, throughout this crisis. He has kept the well being of the party, and ALL involved parties at the forefront of the decisions which he has had any control over. Please, consider the consequences of rash actions, and words, as we work to elect democrats in 2012.

  2. Opinionated8:32 PM

    Those of us in the trenches of electing democrats think what Parker did was despicable. He needs to go, and someone who ACTUALLY puts the people's well-being first needs to take his place.

  3. Sam S.8:36 PM

    I feel sorry for David, but the fact is he made the wrong decision, and now he needs to step down. It's unfortunate for all, but the Democratic Party should not be in the business of getting employees to sign non-disclosure agreements. Again, it was the wrong decision, it is unfortunate, but David has to take responsibility and step down so we can move on.

  4. A major function of a Chief Executive is to protect the good name of the organization. It appears that anything that David did was toward that end. If you second guess good people all the time, you will not be able to get good people to serve. -
    Steve Ivester

  5. Anonymous8:06 AM

    No person is greater than the Party. David needs to step down so the Party can move ahead. For him to stay on is selfish and freezes our ability to get past this issue. I, like Sam S, am sorry David is in this fine mess (whether he caused it or is a victim of it--either way), but he needs to step down now for the good of the Party.

  6. Anonymous10:42 AM

    No one seems to know for sure. Was this sexual harassment charge of a heterosexual or homosexual nature?

    It would be wrong in eiterh case, so why will not one speak of it?

  7. Anonymous8:58 AM

    male to male
