Tuesday, April 03, 2012

An Embarrassing Day for Watauga County

Showing that they are definitely not above rank political grandstanding, the three Republicans on the Watauga County Commission this morning suddenly sprang a resolution in support of the terrible Amendment 1. It wasn't on the agenda, there was nothing about it in the commissioners' packets, there was not even a written version of the resolution on the desks to refer to ... just a blanket "we support the efforts of the Republican majority in the NC General Assembly to write discrimination into the state's Constitution."

Democratic Commissioner Jim Deal objected vigorously. "I haven't seen any resolution. It wasn't in our packets. There's been no advance notice."

But the Republicans, led by Commissioner Vince Gable, bulldozed their way right past those objections (Commissioner Futrelle, the other Democrat, was absent). Playing to the lowest prejudices of your base might be considered good strategic politics, but it has little to do with good government or with any of the many problems actually facing Watauga County.


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Cowards. The reason a resolution is presented in this fashion is patently obvious: They didn't want to afford their constituents the opportunity to comment on their action in an open public hearing. I don't care if the resolution is in support of Amendment 1, or is in support of increased state tobacco subsidies, there are reasons you don't alter agendas or undertake actions not listed on the adopted agenda. It removes the public's right to be heard on the matter during the public comment portion of the meeting. I personally think Amendment 1 is a ridiculous proposition, and I would've liked to appear and outline my reasons. Likewise, they removed the opportunity for supporters of the Amendment (their only apparent constituency) to show up and be heard. This should simply be recognized for what it is: A cowardly act that makes it apparent to all that these gentlemen's first priority is not good government, but political hackery of the highest order.

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    So wrong.

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM

    What's "wrong" is that it is even necessary to clearly articulate a fact that should simply be common sense to a sane person (and in fact it is for most).. Terrible Amendment? Not so. Stupid that its needed, but not terrible.. Discriminatory? Not at all - not even close!! There's no discrimination in it at all!! Any man can marry any women provided they are of age - as it should be.

  4. Liberal POV6:42 PM

    The first comment here by Anonymous is excellent. These people are certainly cowards, but words that describe totalitarian governments, American blood was shed to defeat also come to mind.

  5. Anonymous9:07 PM

    TOMORROW!!! Sen. Kay Hagan to visit businesses in Boone. Can we tell HER, too???

  6. Simon Jadis:

    SUCH an embarrassing day for Watauga County. But I think that people in other parts of North Carolina understand that the discriminatory statements of a few individuals, no matter their positions, do not necessarily reflect the constituents of that county.

    And while Amendment One is superfluous in some ways (same-sex marriage is still illegal in North Carolina), it would hurt so many North Carolinian families. While the overturning of laws and amendments like this is inevitable, it would still be another embarrassing aspect of North Carolina's less-than-stellar civil rights history.

  7. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Where's Deborah Greene now screaming about the people's right to be heard! Hypocrite.

  8. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Check out article about this at http://www.hcpress.com/


  9. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Check out article at www.HCPress.com about this, includes WataugaWatch. It's in news, government and politics pages.

  10. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I love how people talk out both sides of their mouths on this blog. So entertaining!

  11. Happily Married11:25 AM

    I am struggling with the concept from anon that 1) It should be common sense to a sane person. I am a very sane person with an IQ higher than most and a great deal of common sense. Why do I not see things the same way you do? 2) There is no discrimination at all. What if a man wants to marry a man? You would be willing to tell him he cannot. Why? Is that not the definition of discrimination? Because someone is different, they do not have the same right to marry the person they love most in the world. Your solution would dictate that people should be forced to marry someone they did not love. How much sense does that make? I struggle with a response to such an absurd argument. It is the very essence of discrimination.

  12. Anonymous11:51 AM

    It's not both sides of our mouths. It is just difficult for the unitiated to understand that Amendment One doesn't matter because marriage is already defined that way and besides Amendment One does matter because it will change everything.


  13. the Great Gop. wants less government and to let folks live more freely and make more of their own decissions. This is the big Lie they want to control you take your rights look at what they are doing to womens rights. They want your money they want to turn you in to a 3rd class person in the world. and they preach about cutting spending well that is another branch on the limb of the Great Lie. Just spend a few min. to think how much it cost the state of NC to have this bill bullied it's way thru the Legestative Process. Even mid-night scessions and closed door scessions, and the public was not allowed to advocate in the Legestature, I have been a Advocate in this state for many years and have never been told that i or the people of the state was not allowed on the 2nd floor of the bulding. They preach that they are christian, well i am not judging anyone but in the New Testament please show me where Jesus taught hate or discrimination. You will not find it in fact you will find that Jesus chilled out with the prostatutes,drank wine with them helped those that where called unclean the helped the poor, and taught to love ever one I have never read any thing about hate and that is just what this state congress is doing wrighting hate in to the constitution of this state. Follow the money it leads you to one of the main authers of the bill Senator Soucek, which leads back to Franklin Graham, and there you can see that he pulls the strings of the county commissioners. That said the commissioners don't wnat any thing to go forward in fact they want every thing to go backward in to the 19th century.

  14. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Why don't they just accept they're gonna be on the wrong side of history on this? Sorry, it didn't work with slavery, it didn't work with segregation, it won't work with this. Lawful discrimination won't work.

  15. Anonymous6:14 PM

    The GOP stands for "freedom" -- if you're white, male, heterosexual, Christian, and rich. Everyone else is a second-class citizen, and they will do anything to keep it that way.

  16. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Happily Married, what if a brother wanted to marry his sister? You could never answer this on the other blog.

    My IQ is 139. What's yours? Somehow I bet it will be higher.

    Yeah, right.

  17. Not Really9:25 PM

    Anon 11:51, let me break it down for you: passing the amendment won't change the status of gay marriage in NC because it's already illegal. But it will in fact change the way things stand right now because it's worded so broadly that it could prohibit recognition of any partnership, whether gay or straight, that is not a state-sanctioned marriage. That is why the NC Libertarian Party, in their resolution opposing Amendment 1, included the following wording:

    "Whereas, North Carolina's proposed Amendment One is so vaguely worded that no one can predict the scope of its harm..."

    Here's the full text of the resolution, by the way. I challenge anyone who calls himself a Libertarian but supports this Amendment to read and consider it:


  18. Liberal POV7:48 AM

    Anonymous 6:38

    "Happily Married, what if a brother wanted to marry his sister? "

    No one is trying to legalize incest.

    How is gay marriage going to effect you and your family? How will it make your marriage less perfect because others have freedom and liberty just like you? How do you know a child or grandchild of yours won't suffer from if amendment one passes?

    Why do Republicans oppose real freedom and liberty?

  19. Happily Married7:55 AM

    Anon 6:38, I did answer this on the other blog: If a brother wanted to marry a sister, the idea is worthy of discussion as long as the state could guarantee no children could be involved. I indicated we need to deal with gay marriage first and then these much more minor outliers could be handled on a case by case basis by a judge. My IQ is 138 - and I am at least able to read responses and digest them. Funny how still no one is answering my questions.

  20. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Happily Married, maybe it is because your questions are irrelevant. One cannot debate with a fanatic.

    LPOV, the discussion said that the amendment affected everyone. That would include those wishing to obtain an incestuous marriage. Please pay attention, if possible.

  21. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I am German and live in Germany. It is interesting to observe some of the political issues going on in the United States. We used to admire your country for its values such as freedom, tolerence, openness. Look at where you are taking these values while Europe is taking off into the future. By the way - same-sex marriage is taken for granted in most European countries.
    Comparing incest to same-sex marriage. PLEEEAAASE!!! Reading some of your comments makes it understandable why Americans are not so popular anymore in the world.
    The sad thing is that other nations don't differentiate between 'good' and 'bad' Americans. Abroad, you are all Americans. So, an Amendment like this will harm you all.
    I am a PhD, by the way, since intellect seems to be an issue here.

  22. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Happily...My IQ is 139.

    (First liar never stands a chance):)

  23. Happily Married12:47 PM


    I am interested in understanding your perception of me as a fanatic. I happen to be very well adjusted reasoned person. I am interested in your explanation of your perspective. I think you fail to cite it because you might be seen as the fanatic. I am curious, which statement have I made that justified the label fanatic?

  24. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Go to the other blog and read your posts on the thread concerning this matter. If you do so with an open mind, you can readily see why you are a fanatic. Of course, you probably can't do that because you are a fanatic.

  25. Happily Married9:24 PM

    Good Anon, Once again no one responds to my question you tell me to figure it out? You guys are the worst debaters ever. You cant even present a logical argument or justify your statements. When you guys find a worthy speaker, put him or her on and then we can have a real discussion.

  26. Anonymous10:12 AM

    To my friend from Germany: I am worried about how the rest of my country and the rest of the world will view our beautiful state if this amendment passes. I am Gay. Currently my lover and I share some benefits. If this law passes, it would make our future incredibly scary. I would eventually leave the state and live in a place that is safer. I think this amendment could also hurt tourism, because who wants to visit a state that is seen as backwards? I deeply appreciate those who are standing up for our civil rights. I hope that you do not view our entire country in the lens of a few people who are afraid to open their hearts and minds. I have so much feeling about this amendment that it is hard to express. This is a simplification of my thoughts on this matter.

    To the people who compare my love to bestiality and incest, you clearly do not understand. I do not wish to fight for the right to marry my dog or my brother. I wish to have the same rights as my brother and my family, who in time have come to understand my love is no different than theirs.
