Tuesday, March 27, 2012

20 More Years of Discrimination Ain't No Big Thang!

Even while Sen. Danny Soucek, chief sponsor of the miserably written massive government intrusion into private lives otherwise known as Amendment 1, is planning a big church rally at Watauga High School on April 10 (just in case anyone didn't think this was all about religion and had very little to do with good government), the Republican Speaker of the NC House, Thom Tillis, was on the campus of NC State University admitting that the "anti-gay amendment" was just the dying gasp of an older generation:
“It’s a generational issue,” Tillis said. “The data shows right now that you are a generation away from that issue.”
According to Tillis, researchers have predicted Amendment One will pass with approximately 54 percent, but Tillis, who voted to pass the amendment, believes it won’t remain long. 
“If it passes, I think it will be repealed within 20 years,” Tillis said.

You wanna know what legislative cynicism looks like? It looks like this particular politician who reassures his young audience that it's okay if a bad law gets written into the state's constitution because his young audience will be the people who'll eventually repeal it.

You wanna know what "doesn't have a clue" looks like? Attend the church rally on April 10th.


  1. Deborah Greene12:28 PM


    Please note that your post regarding the Vote For Marriage Rally on April 10th at the high school is incorrect. Senator Dan Soucek is not holding the rally. Dan Soucek is a guest speaker. Senator Soucek was invited because he was a primary sponsor of the Defense of Marriage Bill that has given the voters of NC the opportunity to vote to protect the state's long-standing definition of marriage. The invitations were sent to all churches from the Three Forks Baptist Association. Dr. Barry Nealy and other pastors organized this rally and naturally asked Senator Soucek and Mark Creech of the NC Christian Action League to speak. While you may be surprised that this is a biblical issue to the churches, we are not. Please note that you have frequently referred to the amendment as the "anti-gay amendment"; it is the "defense of marriage amendment". The NC State Constitution is the people's authority. It is the ultimate authority of the state of NC. The preamble of our State Constitution reads: "We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and for the better government of this State, ordain an establish this Constitution." Since marriage was Almighty God's idea and He instituted the first union between one man and one woman, Adam and the "suitable helper" Eve; and, because we declare Almighty God as our Sovereign Ruler and we acknowledge Him for everything, it seems appropriate that we would protect His definition of marriage from judicial activism and legislative change by placing it under the People's authority, the NC State Constitution. By calling the "Defense of Marriage Amendment" an "Anti-gay Amendment" proposes suggests that this amendment is against gay people. You are wrong. I have had some concern regarding your tone of late regarding this amendment. This is a vote that everyone has a right to participate in. And, there is not need to use defaming characterizations of others. Please, defend your position without defaming others. Have you ever considered the hate crimes that you might incite with your words? I have, Jerry; and, it is very unsettling. Peace.

  2. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Not only is the amendment absurdly written, it's unnecessary, we have a law against gay marriages in the state already. This is political grandstanding under the guise of religion and a tremendous waste of the state's resources and the resources of those having to spend money and time to overturn this arcane stupidity, and bias.

  3. My church wasn't invited. Guess our invitation got lost in the mail. I am a devout Christian and I also declare the Almighty God as my personal savior. He has made it perfectly clear to me that Ms. Greene does not speak for Him. He has told me that it is immoral to discriminate against others and to advocate for legislation that singles out groups of people for such discrimination. He has told me that Ms. Greene speaks not of that which is holy but rather of that which is anti-Christ. He further warned me that Ms. Greene seeks to place His wishes directly in front of activist judges by forcing this issue into the courts. Ms. Greene does not speak for God in any way, shape or form, and her actions should make that perfectly clear to everyone.

  4. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Well said< Ms. Greene

  5. Anonymous4:39 PM

    That fact that you would bring up hate crimes a short few weeks after two girls were beaten and called derogratory anti-gay slurs is much more "unsettling" than the inconvenient truth (to you) that Jerry is bringing to peoples attention. I hope you will one day come to see the harm you are doing to the people of this county and this world by living your life with closed eyes and an offensive mouth. As a Christian, I will pray for you. And as a human I will never try to vote on your rights no matter my religious or personal feelings on them. I hope you are able to one day open your eyes to the actions of my savior Christ who taught me to love others and to save the judging for God.

  6. Meatcamp4:49 PM

    Where does the bible say anything about one man and one women? Polygamy is all throughout the Bible!! We really don't want to go back to the crazy laws in the Bible. And who says your religion gets to call the shots for everyone in the state? That ain't fair or reasonable! How about if you practice your own religion and let others practice theirs. My religion says gay marriage is healthy and good for gays, and society.

  7. Anonymous7:12 PM

    My God spoke to me and told me that Mary is an idiot and that I shouldn't pay any attention to her.

  8. Suitable Helper Eve9:43 PM

    Dear Mrs. Greene, this is "suitable helper" Eve. The damn garden was a trap and I was framed. First Adam blamed me for giving him the fruit, but then made matters worse by blaming God for making me in the first place. Thanks a lot for that! Then God gave me years of painful childbirth as a punishment while Adam got away with just having to dig ditches.

    If what I got is what marriage gets you, then to hell with it.

    In short, don't be using me and my sucky plight as some example of how God wants us all to live. Besides, the kind of religion you profess to force all the rest of us to follow promotes ignorance over knowledge. I should know. Afterall, I got my eyes opened good when I ate that fruit.

  9. Anonymous9:51 PM

    DG, bully for you taking the Bible so literally. Do you also release White Doves when you have your menstrual period?

  10. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Leave it to Deborah Greene to blame JW for the hate crimes she's so intent on inciting. Classic.

  11. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Deborah Greene is a busy body so "worried" about what other people are doing she hasn't even noticed the Devil's got her by the short hairs.

  12. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Well, suitable helper, God is and was no respecter of persons, and he held you just as responsible as he did Adam---equal opportunity blamer.

    You call the garden a trap, which is an incredible way to look at it. It was paradise and a beautiful place to live, and to walk in the evenings with your Creator must have been heavenly. I envy you and Adam for those wonderful, profound moments. But you BOTH listened to a conniving fallen angel who thought he could be as God. This arrogant being became jealous of the creatures that God created, and he yearned to dsstroy them.

    You call childbirth painful, which I understand it is, however, the conception was very pleasurable. Right?

    I personally never got that opportunity to have children. Would that I could have had a family, a husband and children, to love and enjoy. That would be well worth all the pain, I would think.

    The older I get the more I appreciate life and those who preceded me. What a unique species we are and the cultures our predecessors have built. Yes, we've made some big mistakes and have paid dearly for them.

    And I enjoy simple things like good conversation with friends and enjoy the taste of coffee or a glass of wine. And I love to see parents with little children, which means the species will continue. It is so sad that you have been taught to hate yourself and your own kind.

    By the way, no one is forcing any religion on you. But did you ever think about the fact that you want to force others, who may have different standards, to accept yours?

    Jerry, I hope you post my comment as quickly as you would post the comments you agree with. Thank you.

  13. Deborah,
    If God commanded it, end of discussion, right? 'Splains everything, I guess ... like why the Republican leaders in the General Assembly would put the rights of a minority up to a vote by the majority. But they knew what they were doing. The majority evidently holds your view that it's perfectly all right -- because God said it -- to write discrimination into our founding document. But what's "libertarian" about that?

  14. Suitable Helper Eve9:23 AM

    Anonymous Above, when did I ever try to force my religion on you or anyone else? Would you please be specific and point out even one example of when that ever happened? Instead, you are intent on forcing your religion on me. That's exactly what this Amendment does. Enshrines your religion and disses mine. So much for the religious freedom you regard so highly.

  15. Happily Married9:54 AM


    No one is forcing you to believe any different than you already do. That is what is so unsettling about all of this. The force of beliefs is all one direction. The idea is freedom of belief - so you can believe the way you want and others can believe the way they want and live by that belief. If you believe heterosexuals should be married and you are one, please marry. If you believe abortion is wrong, please do not have one, if you believe homosexual marriage is wrong, don't have a homosexual marriage. This is so simple. The forcing of beliefs is all one direction.

  16. Baptists used to be fanatical defenders of the separation of Church and State. It's how the religion started in the first place. Too bad that in American Southern version of the denomination they have conflated the Bible with the Constitution and now want our political system to conform to (their reading of) the former.

  17. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Suitable helper and Happily Married:

    Yes, you are forcing your interpretation of life and lifestyles on others, who have a different set of standards. You want others to accept, legally, politically, and morally, and every way possible, a lifestyle that others just cannot agree with.

    How some live in the privacy of their homes is no one's business. But don't demand that others accept a lifestyle, with full legal recognition, that others cannot accept. It is as plain as that.

  18. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Anonymous. WTF are you talking about? No one is demanding that "others accept a lifestyle" except those who support this Amendment. Gay marriage is already banned in the state. The Amendment takes away legal rights for all unmarried couples, gay and straight. It's your side that wants to force a lifestyle.

  19. Anonymous11:27 AM

    The Boone Tea Party is posting their support of amendment 1 on their facebook page.

    I thought they wanted LESS government.

  20. bettywhite1:47 PM

    You don't have to "accept" anything that you don't believe in. I don't necessarily "accept" everything that Bible-beating Baptists believe, but I'm not trying to pass laws against them either. I'm sure there are other people that you don't accept, but you're not trying to amend the constitution to restrict their rights, are you? That's what the separation of church and state is all about. You can disagree with someone all day long, but you can't try to make their behavior or situation illegal because you disagree.

  21. Bridle3:42 PM

    I don't agree that children should be filled with superstitious BS or that people should make supplications to an imaginary supernatural figment of the collective imagination. But I accept it as part of living in a free society. You can believe all the crazy stuff you want, and even teach it to your kids, as long as no one is harmed by it. (You can't beat your kids to drive the devil out, or marry multiple wives, or burn witches at the stake. )
    In return for your freedom to be a credulous fool, you must allow others equal freedom. Same sex marriage harms no one, and is good for gays and society. Get over your self and find something realto worry about. How about getting rid of the capital punishment, or putting an end to war, for all you pro-life zealots.

  22. BRockBlue7:06 PM

    If we really want to enshrine the "Sanctity of Marriage" in the NC Constitution, shouldn't we first pass an amendment banning divorce?? We can sort out the gay stuff later on.
