Friday, February 03, 2012

Mittcrory Won't Release Financial Records

We're beginning to see a pattern here, all these rich, once-upon-a-time "moderate" (squishy) Republicans with lots of money and country club connections who refuse to let the rest of us peons know who they're beholden to.

Mitt Romney ... Pat McCrory ... who can tell the difference any more. When you've seen one rich man with conflicts of interest, you've seen 'em all!


  1. I'm With Pat10:58 AM

    McCrory said he'll release the records the state requires.

    "The same records that me and every Democrat have released during every election. The same records that Beverly Perdue released and others," he said.

  2. Henery2:45 PM

    You CAN read, right?

    "McCrory said he will not release personal financial information, including tax returns."

    That's a cover-up a-borning.

  3. Helping Henery3:06 PM

    Apparently you are the one with the reading problem Henery...he said he will release the same records that Bev Perdue released....the same ones that "... me and every Democrat have released during every election"

    Of course we do understand that you and your ilk would like to snoop as much as possible while protecting your candidates from having to release the same material...


  4. Anonymous6:21 PM

    A cover up aborning? How do you feel about Fast and Furious?

  5. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Darling(Perdue) has NEVER released her taxes and neither has Mikie(Easley). JW wants it both ways. Attacked the Republicans for not releasing their taxes and allow the two most corrupt governors in the history of the state go scott free. Why is that JW?

  6. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Did he really say "The same records that me and every Democrat have released...."?

  7. Henery10:31 AM

    You guys crack me up the way you grovel for the super-rich.

    Also your moral relativity. Your FIRST instinct when dealing with negative revelations: "Democrats do it too!!!"

    That's some high moral ground alright!

  8. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Thanks fir admitting you are cracked as illustrated by your hypocrisy and double standards, Henery.
