Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Duly Noted

You might want to pay attention to the conservative anger spilling out at Republican state Sen. Dan Soucek and Republican County Commissioner Vince Gable over last night's failure to stampede the Blowing Rock City Council into allowing concealed weapons at the Blowing Rock swimming pool and in city parks. It's all in a comment thread at The Watauga Conservative, where The Right goes to spew.

They're mad at Soucek for being a gutless wonder. They're mad at Gable for being an ineffective blow-hard.


  1. Blowing Rock Buffalo9:24 AM

    Soucek is a gutless wonder for sure. Gable did an outstanding job - the comment saying otherwise was from an anonymous troll. Gun owners were happy with Gable, make no mistake about it.

    Gun owners are not happy with Soucek who was a coward. We will be voting that guy out in the next election even if it means voting in a liberal.

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Yes, let's blame the state senator who voted FOR the Castle doctrine. After all, maybe he could have done even more! Never mind the 3 liberal town councilmen who are responsible!

    And thanks for posting the link to the Watauga Conservative! It seems they don't have a problem letting their readers post comments without having to have them pre-approved by the administrator.

  3. Fairly liberal10:29 PM

    This goes back to Virginia Foxx and the land trade which this site refused to report on. After Foxx did an end around on hunters it opened the doors for this. Virginia Foxx bears the responsibility for all this. She is mighty silent these days.

  4. Opinionated3:45 PM

    Virginia is always silent in an election year - her handlers fear her putting her foot in her mouth as she frequently does in off-years.

  5. I have been to the Watauga Conservative link too and am amazed (guess it's the circles I run in) at the level of indoctrination and paranoia the NRA and/or other right-wing organizations have induced in so many of our citizens. But, in the spirit of compromise and conciliation here's what I suggest: We already have several days a year set aside for "Art in the Park" (which is now held in a parking lot, but never mind). I suggest we have several days a year set aside as "Guns in the Park" days--we can put up catchy posters around the area informing/warning everyone about them, maybe even invite gun dealers to peddle their wares, have an NRA sign-up table, etc. Parents of small children and other namby-pamby liberals would know know not to go anywhere near the park on those days. Also, robbers, murderers, Islamist terrorists and other would-be law-breakers would be well advised to stay out of town on those weekends since so many law-abiding and watchful citizens would be packin' heat in public. We could even have a statistical study made to prove/disprove whether crime (and/or accidental shooting) rates were lower on those days/weekends than on those when guns were not allowed in the park. What do you think? I know, this is way too reasonable an approach but it's a thought.

  6. Anonymous11:20 PM

    @ Anonymous - I've tried to post on the Watauga Conservative before and my posts haven't made up on their site. It goes both ways my friend.

  7. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Brotherdoc, you made a good point. The law banning concealed carry in parks will not keep any criminal from carrying a gun on the property. It will only stop those that obey the rule of law. Therefore the ban is useless.
