Saturday, October 01, 2011

Sen. Forrester: "Nothing To See Here. Move Along"

Sen. James Forrester, who apparently decided to be heterosexual at an early age and decided many years ago that he needed constitutional protection from the prospect that gay people might fall in love and marry, has finally talked about his padded resume.

He sez that any errors in it are purely "inadvertent."

He inadvertently claimed that he's a member and "Fellow" of the American College of Preventive Medicine. He isn't.

He inadvertently claimed that he's an associate "fellow" of the Aerospace Medical Association. He isn't.

He inadvertently claimed that he's a member of the American Medical Association. He isn't.

That's a lot of inadvertency.

But Forrester also sez that because it's just homo-sexuals who are pointing out his lies ... it all doesn't matter at all. Not at all.

To which at least one person responded, "Since apparently this makes a difference to Senator Forrester, let me just say that I am a lifelong heterosexual, and I'm questioning his credentials."

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