Sunday, October 02, 2011

Seems only appropriate, for the 700 arrested yesterday at the Brooklyn Bridge and the thousands more gathering in cities across this land, demanding our government back from the big money crowd.


  1. Congratulations Jeff and everyone at ASU who participated.

  2. Anonymous1:23 PM

    The Tea Party is there too, right? Since they also oppose the bailout.

  3. Anonymous9:08 PM

    George Soros, billionaire moneybags for the Left, and other big banksters, like hypocrite Buffet and celebrity Moore, the Big Wall Streeters themsleves, etc, are staging this and using a lot of "useful idiots" youth to do their dirty work; that is, to take down what's left of free enterprise and the Constitution itself. Then you have neo-cons like O'Reilly and so-called conservatives, big government warlike fascists, aiding this scheme by continuing the same ole false Left-Right struggle. Yet these socialists and fascists are pushing the same agenda and being funded by the same big banking globalist groups.

    Their true target: What remains of the middle class in America. The people who have small businesses, small companies, professionals, etc, who make from $50K to $250K+ a year. The people who generate real wealth and most jobs; the people whom the ACORNS and misguided young people are taught to hate, while the truly rich globalists, these multi- billionaires sit back and laugh.

    Think about it. I doubt if JW will post this, because I am sure he and Pam know what is really happening.

  4. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Woo-hoo! Occupy Wall Street is making the troll really mad, so we must be doing something right.

  5. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Occupy Wall Street is typical of the left. They do not know what they want, hamper people that are trying to make a living, get in the way of the general public, and in general make people mad at them. As usual, the left is being counter productive.
