Sunday, October 02, 2011

Renee Ellmers Will Vote Against Gay Marriage Amendment

Apparently, a few dozen jaws dropped at Campbell University School of Law last Thursday when Tea Party conservative Renee Ellmers (NC-2) said in answer to a question that she would be voting AGAINST the anti-gay marriage amendment on May 8th.


"Under the Dome" confirmed that Ellmers had indeed said that she thought the Republican-written amendment was "too broadly drawn."

Maybe this means that Gov. Beverly Perdue can take a stand too? The Guv has been rather noticeably MIA on the issue.

The Tea Party, if it actually believes what it preaches, ought to be deeply, deeply opposed to the discriminatory nature of this Republican/religious attempt to rewrite the state's foundational document. But until Ellmers spoke up at Campbell University, we had not noticed any Tea Partiers taking a stand for other people's freedoms.

1 comment:

  1. Henery11:38 AM

    Dino Mike McIntyre says he'll vote for the amendment. It figures, don't it?
