Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Chickens, Meet Roost

The Republican majority in the NC General Assembly cut school funding by $400,000 million. As a direct result, some 1,853 teachers and teaching assistants lost their jobs. And still, Republicans in the General Assembly deny that the job losses have anything to do with them.

Yesterday in Raleigh, at a meeting of the General Assembly's Education Oversight Committee, Gerrick Brenner, Executive Director of Progress NC, summed up the bald-facedness of the Republican spin:
"They pulled the money and they passed the buck on who's to blame for the cuts to the classroom. They clearly said they were funding K-12 education, and then they asked superintendents to make $400 million in discretionary cuts? That doesn't wash. And you can see what the results are."
And so it goes at the Clown College.

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