Saturday, September 10, 2011

NC Senate Tries To Squelch Public Comment on Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment But Gets Outted


Manifest, outright fraud committed by Dan Soucek's bosses in the NC Senate .

Laura Leslie, once again, proves herself the best political reporter in Raleigh.


  1. Not Really1:59 PM

    I've also heard that the special session they're holding to discuss and vote on this amendment is costing $50,000 a day. At 3 days, that means it's costing the state $150,000 to (maybe) get this proposal on the ballot.

    So we don't have any money for schools, but there's plenty of extra cash sitting around so that social conservatives can get all the time they need for their pet prejudices. Nice priorities in this legislature.


    No money for schools? Really? How are they paying the teachers? How are they paying the 70 million dollar high school mortgages?

    Oh....I get mean they are only spending about 1 third of every tax dollar collected on the schools and you think it should be more...

    OK...I understand now. Hyperbole!

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Ms Leslie is not being completely honest and she knows it. It is part of a bill going in and will come out under the correct name. Ms Leslie knows this happens all the time. Her article about this being hidden is a lie. How many people in NC does not know this is going to be voted on in this special session?

    The General Assembly is considerably less than ever before in expenses. The truth does matter at least every once in a while. You can not make the case for truth, honor, justice, open process and then play with the truth.

  4. Not Really6:51 AM

    Sorry, but there is no way the legislature doesn't realize how controversial this proposal is, so I refuse to believe that it's just an accident that the disclosure of a public debate period on it was not made clear. Laura Leslie clearly says that yes, the Democrats also used this technique while they were in control. That doesn't make it right, though. It's wrong to try to suppress public comment no matter who's doing it.

    And I know $150,000 isn't that much money in the big picture but still, it's worthwhile to question that expenditure when, in my opinion, it's being spent on something absolutely useless and with no merit.

  5. Anonymous8:00 AM

    The N.C. Senate does not squelch public comment nearly as bad as Williamson does on this blog.

  6. bettywhite2:26 PM

    This blog is not owned by the state or run with public money. JW has every right to do whatever he wants, since this is his blog. If you want to write a blog, then you can do whatever you want as well. The NC Senate is supposed to be representing the entire state of NC, and they are paid and supported with tax money. There's a big difference in the two, Anonymous, but I suspect you know that, and are just here to throw bombs.

  7. Not Really3:45 PM


    JW is a private citizen and thus does not need to be held to the same standards of transparency as representative government. Just sayin'.
