Monday, September 12, 2011

BREAKING TODAY: Writing Discrimination Into the State's Constitution

Changing the state's constitution for the new Republican majority in the NC General Assembly turns out to be chaotic, the opposite of transparent, and almost impossible to follow. After Friday's shenanigans of trying to conceal the new text of the proposed anti-gay marriage, and to deny that it was even coming up for discussion today, they switched the start of the debate from the NC Senate committee to an NC House committee. They were going to put the hearing in a small room, then moved it to a big room, then announced they would not be taking any public comment today, and then said that they were moving the proposed state-wide referendum from next November's general election to May's primary election. All of which prompted this tweet from among the Raleigh press corps: "If you're keeping track, so far today marriage amendment has changed chambers, cmtes, bill #s, content, and ballot date. In 75 min."


Because they couldn't get the Dem votes (not to mention a few Rs?) to put it on the ballot in November? Or because the May primary is more likely to draw more Republican voters than Democrats?

If the Republicans who want to write their religiosity into the state constitution get their way and manage to pass this abomination, Greg Flynn is suggesting a revised marriage vow for heterosexuals: "Till death, job loss, violence, infidelity, divorce or someone else's same-sex union us do part."


  1. bettywhite2:22 PM

    This is utterly ridiculous. Don't we have more important things to worry about? Will this amendment create jobs or help balance the budget? I thought that was the reason that Republicans were elected last November. Not true? Color me suprised!

  2. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Where is Mike D? He promised to contact his new Tea Party friends if and when they tried this blatantly anti-Christian measure. I'd like to hear from him what their responses were.

  3. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Seventeen Democrats voted for this bill. So your information should read a bipartisan effort passed this bill. Fairness is no part of you pledges to report.

  4. Anonymous7:02 PM

    What anti-Christian measure are you speaking of?

    Is it the Muslim antipathy towards gays that calls for them to be killed that has you confused?

  5. Mike D.1:00 AM


    I'm honored that you care what I have to say, and I'd love to discuss it with you, but you're going to have to pick a nickname first. I don't converse with etherial wisps. :-)

  6. Opinionated8:18 AM

    Christianity calls for us to love our neighbors....ALL of our neighbors.

    By the way, 7:02 Anonymous has basically pointed out that the proposed amendment would be favored by any Muslims who believe homosexuals should be killed. Since that does not contradict the statement that the measure is anti-Christian, I'm unclear why he believes 4:07 Anonymous is confused.

  7. Not Really8:47 AM

    Some great letters to the News and Observer in Raleigh about this:

  8. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I think he is confused as he apparently does not understand the difference in the beliefs of Islam and Christianity. He apparently has mixed them up.
