Wednesday, July 13, 2011

When the Rich Don't Turn Out

Photo today (via Chris Fitzsimon) of the pitiful turn-out at the "veto override" rally staged in Raleigh by Americans for the Prosperous ... despite a robocall to their troops from Pat McCrory, who implied that he would be there but who himself didn't even bother to show up.

The red thingie in the middle is the inflatable oil derrick meant to symbolize this crowd's lust for off-shore oil drilling.

Long on lust, short on a crowd.


  1. I wonder how many are paid attendees (media, lobbyists, WingNut Operatives)? I smell astroturf.

  2. Hey, it's hot down there n Raleigh, not that there's global warming or anything like that, and the rich are not about to leave their a/c. Most of them are at their McMansions at the beach, more than likely. Now if you held a rally like that up here in the nice cool(?) mountains, dontcha know you would draw a crowd? I mean, the rich are up here in Linville, Blowing Rock, etc. We should all just be grateful to have them spend their trickle-down $ around here.

  3. In case you teahadist anonnymice didn't notice, my comment is laden with irony...

  4. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Irony? I thought the proper term would be stupidity.
