Monday, June 06, 2011

Thom Tillis: "You Selfish Teachers!"

Over the weekend, I read the opinion of some North Carolina Republican operative -- can't remember at the moment who nor where -- who was gloating a tiny bit because the new Republican majority in the General Assembly was going to get away with their brand of murder (thousands of teachers fired or laid off), because (words to this effect) no one knows who Thom Tillis (Republican Speaker of the House) and Phil Berger (Majority Leader in the Senate) are. Everyone knows the governor, this Republican was saying, so the governor will get the blame.

Maybe that's working, and maybe that's the explanation for why Thom Tillis feels he can be a total dick, especially to public workers in education. It's fashionable these days, if not de rigeur, to bash teachers, and Tillis added his own flourishes to the practice at the state's GOP state convention on Saturday, to great applause:
"They [public school teachers] don’t care about kids. They don’t care about classrooms. They only care about their jobs and their pensions."

It doesn't get any more brazen than that.


  1. Opinionated11:30 AM

    "They [public school teachers] don’t care about kids. They don’t care about classrooms. They only care about their jobs and their pensions."

    That does not fit the teachers who taught my kids here in Watauga County in any way, shape, or form.

    I call Bull-hockey on Tillis' comment.

  2. Anonymous2:28 PM

    It would be great if our representatives would come out against this statement. I guess they aren't allowed to go off script.

  3. Anonymous7:55 PM

    It's not a matter of whether they are allowed to go off script, anonymous 2:28; it's that they believe the same thing.

  4. retired educator9:43 PM

    These guys are totally POS. Living proof that anti-American scum enjoy destroying those who are the most politically helpless, but whom are also some of the hardest working and caring people around. We can only hope that in 2012 this trash will only be a memory and we can start rebuilding our state. The "bought and paid for" political philosophy of these hate mongers dream for NC to be like the "banana republics" of the 30's. Except instead of the top 20% having 90% of the wealth, they will settle for the top 5% having 95%.

  5. Anonymous1:00 PM

    It is a sad day in North Carolina. Hope the Governor vetoes the evil budget bill Tillis and his wrecking crew sent to her.

  6. Anonymous8:08 PM

    The veto will be over ridden in a bipartisan effort, according to the news.

  7. Not Really4:28 AM

    A sad time for North Carolina indeed. I was born and raised here and hate seeing my state succumb to the lower-taxes-trump-all-else mentality.

    I know a lot of progressive-leaning voters who stayed home in 2010. Please do not stay home in 2012. We need to get these small-minded people out of our state government.

  8. I wonder which voucher lobbyist owns this clown.
