Thursday, June 09, 2011

Old White Men Know Best

Because the extremists in the NC Republican Party (but we repeat ourselves) do not trust women to make their own decisions, the new Republican majority in the NC House, joined by a few fearful Ds, passed a new law to require that women seeking abortions be force-fed some anti-abortion "information" and then wait 24 hours before having the procedure.

Without a doubt, this piece of government intrusion into the private lives of women will also pass the dunderheaded NC Senate, where Dan Soucek can't wait to tell women what to do.

Then it will be up to Beverly Perdue.


  1. Brushfire11:50 AM

    Early term abortions are much much safer and less controversial. By forcing delays, Republican are placing women in danger and encouraging later term abortions. Republicans must really hate women, especially poor women. I know of a young woman who paid an aquaintance to beat her up so she would abort. She didn't have money or access to a safe legal procedure. She continued to drink and do drugs, and the child she eventually delivered ( at govt expense) is developmentally delayed. A success story for the "pro-lifers".

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Anyone who thinks that a woman getting an abortion hasn't agonized over the decision and doesn't know exactly what she is doing is an idiot.

  3. Moose1:40 PM

    If they worked half as hard on job creation as they do on abortion and gay marriage, we'd have 100% employment. Any conservative lurkers out there want to tell us WHY the Republicans only seem to care about other people when they're in the womb??

  4. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Love the picture! Says it all...

  5. Anonymous11:47 PM

    "Love the picture! Says it all.."

    Do you really think a spanking is the proper punishment for someone that murders an unborn child?

    It seems prison or the death penalty would be more appropriate.

  6. Henery10:04 AM

    And there it is ... the extremism of the "pro-life" position, which isn't pro-life at all.

  7. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Using the eye for and eye method of punishment to deter murder certainly is pro-life.

  8. Brushfire3:17 PM

    A zygote is NOT a child. An embryo is NOT a child. A fetus is NOT a child, although a near-term fetus is very close to becoming a child. These anti-women zealots who devalue a woman's right to control her own body cannot create their own facts and reality, although they certainly do try.

  9. Not Really4:07 PM

    So true, Henery. Do you think that Anonymous 11:47 even sees the irony in his (or her) statement?
