Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Dear God, Make Them Stop

This evening, on straight party lines, the Republicans in the NC Senate voted to end straight-party voting in North Carolina.

They can't keep their cotton-picking hands off our right to vote.

Only explanation for this particular clownish act is this fact: in the 2010 election, Democrats cast slightly more straight-party ballots (51.24% of the total) than did Republicans (47.98%).

Surely the Clown College is bound to run into the law of unintended consequences sooner or later!


  1. Mike D.12:22 AM

    I am very happy with this bill, but not for the reasons you might guess. Anyone who is straight party voter doesn't need to think to act. He or she wants a belief system on which one can rely. The straight party voter, for either party, is a person who has been convinced that we must cast off that which makes each of us unique and conform to one of the two products presented us.

  2. The Teahadist2:02 PM

    Gosh, that will be awful if voters can't choose a straight ticket. They might have to actually think about the candidates they vote for instead of just handing over their choice to a big state-wide organization. Tsk, tsk.

    And think of the extra barriers to political participation this bill will put in place: voters will have to stand in that booth for at least 30 extra seconds filling in all those circles! ZOMG! What a bunch of racists!1!1

  3. Being able to think is important. In fact when you DO think about it, people ought to be able to read before they can vote. And since our Constitution is so important let's ask people to read and interpret key articles before they can vote. Oh, wait....
    Unfortunately, Mike and Tea, people who don't think still get to vote. In fact the last election results reflect that clearly.

  4. Moose1:43 PM

    Do they think that only Democrats vote straight tickets?? Ah, there you are again Mike D.! I can always count on you to tell us how bad we are if we believe in the principles of a political party. I would vote for a Republican if I could find one who even remotely agreed with me on something.

  5. Brushfire9:02 PM

    You can still mark all Democratic or all Republican boxes if you want. This stupid-waste-of-time bill just makes it a little harder. This Republican gang wants to make voting as hard and inconvenient as possible. And they don't care how much time and money they waste to do so. What about JOBS?
