Saturday, May 21, 2011

Race Politics at the Clown College

NC House GOP leaders use trickery to make it easier (they hope) to repeal the Racial Justice Act.

Meanwhile, "more than 40 percent of people on North Carolina's death row were sentenced to death by a jury that was either all white or included only one person of color. The studies also found that in selecting juries, prosecutors statewide struck qualified blacks from the jury pool at more than twice the rate as whites."

And no matter that a successful appeal by a death row inmate in NC under the Racial Justice Act would keep the inmate in jail for life anyway, the bloody-minded Republicans just tend to feel all cozy and comfortable at the thought of an over-stuffed death row.

I like Matt Robinson's reaction.


  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Oh, Jerry, then we are to have racial quotas in the criminal justice system?

  2. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I would be certain that in the day anonymous 9:18 would have found a way to argue slavery was just, too. Would he have so much certitude if a family member of his were wrongfully convicted and executed. But of course such things never happen to "Christian" Republicans so the thought would never cross his narrow mind.

  3. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Gosh, Anon 7:24, such a leap of logic!

    And such a presumption re: ""Christian" Republicans"?

  4. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Playing the race card in jury selection is racist itself, just like affirmative action is.

  5. Feeling nonconfrontational today, the Teahadist9:26 AM

    As much as it pains me to admit that BrotherDoc might be right about names, I have to say that the string of "Anonymous" here makes for a boring comment thread.

  6. Anonymous1:35 PM

    So a name means more to you than what people are saying. Thats liberal of you.

  7. Mike D.11:40 PM



    It's like trying to watch a hockey game on TV with a housefly walking around on the screen. It gets tedious and boring.

  8. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Not if you pay attention to what is being said. Maybe some people had rather attack people than debate ideas.

  9. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Really, Mike D.

    What a bizarre and irrelevant analogy!

    But then maybe the housefly will score a goal and liven the game up for ya.

  10. Mike D.12:17 AM


    I thought you were going to refuse Anonymous posts. Their return definitely makes contributing here less enjoyable, and it's the primary reason I have been staying away. But it's your blog. I'll check back another time. Have a nice spring.

  11. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Want some cheese with your whine, Mike D.?

  12. Brushfire10:05 AM

    Mike is right. It's pointless to have a discussion with someone who won't claim his/her ideas with a name.
