Sunday, March 27, 2011

More Plastics! That'll Fix the United States

You're not a real American if you don't use styrofoam, you commie socialist composters! Apparently. According to Madam Virginia Foxx and her fellow Repubs in the U.S. House.


  1. Anonymous2:15 PM

    They had to save some money in order to pay off Dennis Kucinich's lawsuit against the cafeteria for his broken tooth!

  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    No doubt Congresswoman Foxx is pissing in a cup that has a blowback fan in it.....

  3. Brushfire5:14 PM

    Plastics are made from petroleum and natural gas. Using these limited resources for single use disposable items is just stupid.

  4. FoxxFann6:43 PM

    Anonymous said...

    No doubt Congresswoman Foxx is pissing in a cup that has a blowback fan in it.....

    4:33 PM

    Very classy. Typical I expect of the one out of three voters who don't support her.

    No, that's not fair. I am sure that comment does not represent the average Democrat. Does it?

  5. And it's become all the more clear that stupid is as stupid does. Right, Brushfire?

  6. If the GOPers can do anything to oppose the administration and put more profit into the pockets of Big Oil and Gas they will do it. Even though Al Gore got beaten 5-4 in the 2000 election and conceded (supposedly for the good of the country), the Right continues to do nothing but ridicule him for trying to alert the world to global climate change, so this is yet another way to pander to the anti-science crowd as well. I don't see that Madame Foxx's urinary receptacles have to do with it.
    BTW haha the word verification chosen at random for me for this post? foxwin You FoxxyLady lovers will appreciate the irony of that!

  7. retired educator8:58 PM

    FoxxFann, please go one of the Neanderthal republican blogs where you belong. The fact that 95% of the Madam's votes are cast by folks voting against their interests and personal prosperity simply magnify the rampart political ignorance of the region. Please notice I said "political ignorance." Most of the voters of the 5th district are the best people in the world, except for one thing...............

  8. leftists have no class7:20 AM

    The personal attacks against Foxx are typical of this blog. And of course, if you write something negative against any of the leftists you don't get posted, as I have not been posted many times for far less. I get it - it's no reason you leftists hate fox news - you hate conservative facts - they just get in the way of liberal propaganda. I suspect this won't get posted either. WHAT A TOTAL JOKE!

  9. just wondering7:33 AM

    How much plastic do you use, Willaimson? If there was no demand, then they wouldn't make it.

  10. FoxxFann8:15 AM

    ah yes retired educator.

    Thank you for your enlightened opinion.

    Since you know more than the voters of the fifth district, perhaps you could just appoint a representative for us?

  11. FoxxFann8:17 AM

    TWO out of THREE voters in her District prefer Congresswoman FOXX!

    AND her margins get higher with each election!

    Thank you Mrs FOXX for representing the interests of the MAJORITY in your district!

  12. FoxxFann9:45 AM

    to 'leftist have no class'..

    while I do agree with the sentiment of your nickname, I have to come forward in defense of JW on ONE point.

    I only occasionally post here, and I have been doing so for almost a year now.

    Not ONCE in that time have I posted anything under this nickname that could be considered supportive of JW's views...

    BUT, not ONCE has he failed to post one of my submissions. Your mileage may vary, but that has been MY experience.

    Credit where it's due and all that.

  13. Brushfire10:58 AM

    How many American families are grieving for dead soldiers who fought and died halfway across the planet so we can use cheap disposable crap made from petroleum products?

  14. G.I.G1:29 PM

    Brushfire, Would you rather the brave volunteer soldiers died closer to home or for more expensive items? And can not the present leader be as responsible for those deaths as the previous? If i am not mistaken he has the ability to withdraw troops as easily as the last did.

  15. Brushfire6:27 PM

    GIG- They didn't have to die at all. And yes, if they are going to risk their lives, I would prefer they risk them for this country, and for a true emergency. Not so you can get out of washing dishes.
