Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday Smorgasbord

1. Union County: "There'll be no memorial to 'loyal slaves' on our courthouse lawn." Decision NOT "based on race." No, never.

2. Sen. Kay Hagan pleased to join the pro-business Washington think tank, ThirdWay.

3. Democratic Party Chairman David Parker wants the Republican Speaker of the NC House to investigate a possible conflict of interest by Rep. Mike Stone of Lee County, who set the agenda for a closed-door meeting featuring presentations by video-gambling interests while profiting personally in his own grocery store from video gambling.

4. State government employees: We're working people, too!


  1. Mike D.1:37 AM

    According to Wikipedia, Watauga County is 96.45% white.

    I wish that the tolerant, educated, enlightened, bohemian professors who participate in diversity celebrations in our town would do a better job of reaching out to the one neighborhood in Boone with something other than white skin.

    A bunch of elitist white people, sitting around sipping coffee, congratulating each other for how tolerant they all are doesn't really cut it for me. Back in the Sixties, I believe they called such people "phonies".

    Did you know, a section of the Underground Railroad ran right through Avery County? It's right across the river from my parents' cabin, and the community calls it "The Race Path". It was protected by a bunch of the people WataugaWatch lives to ridicule as racist hicks.

    But who are the true racists, I ask? Are the racists the salt of the Earth locals who helped slaves escape from the deep South, or are they the self-congratulatory, elitist cappuccino sippers who don't ever interact with the 3 1/2 percent of non-whites in our county?

    This High Country was practicing tolerance long before you got here with your fancy PowerPoint presentations that get you out of preparing for lectures.


  2. Henery9:56 AM

    Did Mike D. saddle his high horse this morning, or what?

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Mike D. It's clear you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I know JW personally. He doesn't even know how to use powerpoint. So take your elitist bullshit somewhere else. Or, better yet, look in the mirror to direct your anger properly.

  4. Moose6:06 PM

    Mike D. LIVES on his high horse!

