Sunday, February 13, 2011

"State the Constitutional Provision"

Be careful about the rules you pass, especially when Rep. Anthony Weiner is there to call you to task for not following them. Hattip: RRR.


  1. Henery9:18 PM

    Lordy! That Republican chair, Mr. Pitts, is some kind of sock puppet. He has an aid whispering over his shoulder, telling him what to say.


  2. CapitolHill Peon9:23 PM

    You clearly don't understand. When you're moving to take away already granted constitutional rights from women, you have to pull this kind of shit.

  3. Oliver7:51 AM

    There is no right to abortion, as there is no right to commit murder. There is a bad ruling by the Supreme Court. It happens, just as it did with the Dred Scott decision.

  4. There you go.

    The republicans cannot fulfill the constitutional demands THEY HAVE REQUIRED for this legislation to be introduced, and so being true to who they are they tried to cheat, so in comes Weiner to rescue the constitution for the republicans!

    The irony is beautiful.

  5. Henery10:03 AM

    Well, I guess we've now heard from the Neanderthals.

    Sheesh, Oliver. I've always suspected that the anti-abortion crowd was also secretly in favor of slavery, and you've come out of the closet!

  6. Oliver10:15 AM

    The fake Oliver is at it again. Guess I'll have to use a fake name.

  7. Mike D.5:50 PM

    I watched the entire 52:41 of the clip and loved it. I would not want to get in an argument with Anthony Weiner.

    When you make a rule to which all must adhere, you should really search your soul to make sure you can adhere to it first.

  8. Liberal POV5:51 PM

    Rep. Weiner knows how to communicate with the right wing and I love it when he calls them out.

  9. I sat there and listened to the whole hour. The evidence is clear that the repubs only want to deny citizens there rights.

    Jeez, the repubs are something to watch. It is unfortunate the the Democrats use an informed voter. It is so much easier to be elected by anti-abortion, gun toting birthers, who don't give a rats ass about anything but voting republican.
