Thursday, February 03, 2011


The two NC House Dems who voted with 64 Republicans on Wednesday on the Republican bill that seeks to nullify the federal Affordable Care Act:
William D. Brisson (House Dist. 22, Bladen & Cumberland cos.)

James W. Crawford Jr. (House Dist. 32, Granville & Vance cos.)

Way to dance with them what brought you, guys.

Based on the vote totals here, the Republicans don't have the votes to over-ride Gov. Perdue's veto.

1 comment:

  1. Liberal POV11:36 PM

    Although they may have defected on these issues, I believe both parties have defectors. If you can believe JR, Faulks and others, Virginia Foxx defected to pass the land trade in Blowing Rock. We should have joined with Republitards and put the heat on Foxx over that one. The opportunity is lost now though.
