Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Say It Ain't True!

Headline of the day:
Rep. Foxx Blatantly Lies, Claims Democrats Have Not Cut Anybody's Taxes



  1. Popcorn Haley1:55 PM

    Virginia Foxx is correct on this one as much as it pains me to say it. Democrats have only raised taxes, never lowering them. Most of these Democrats are already well off and won't see the hit that middle class citizens will. Hopefully the Republicans will act like conservatives and cut taxes, government, waste and graft that are cornerstones of Democratic achievement. We need to begin rewarding hard work, not laziness and incompetance. Why is there "comment moderation" on this site? Isn't that censorship? The other site, A Watauga Conservative doesn't censor anything.

  2. Brushfire5:06 PM

    No Popcorn - She lied again. See this article in the NYTimes.

  3. Moose7:20 PM

    That is a blatant lie, popcorn. The stimulus bill contained a tax cut for 95% of the population. My own paycheck decreased by about $50 a month, and I got the largest tax refund that I have ever received. The Making Work Pay tax credit was the reason why:

  4. Popcorn Haley8:00 PM

    The NY Times? You mean the fringe left rag bent on yellow journalism that is rapidly driving it out of business? I would come closer to believing the Enquirer than the NY Times.

  5. BRockBlue10:00 AM

    That says it all, Popcorn. Instead of relying on fact-based journalism, you prefer to get your "news" from the National Enquirer and the clowns on Fox News.

  6. Henery1:20 PM

    There you have it, Ladies & Gents, the end result of the dumbing down of America, the glennbeckization of discourse ... Popcorn Haley!

  7. Facts are inconvenient, aren't they, Popcorn? Does it really matter who prints the facts? I have neither the energy or inclination to waste my time doing it just to prove it to you, but I bet if you looked you would find that many other conservative sources besides Forbes, like the Wall St Journal or EVEN Fox has carried at some point the fact that Obama's stimulus bill included the tax cuts referred to.
    Moose, I hope your paycheck did not DEcrease by $50 per month--did you mean to say the tax withheld decreased by $50 per paycheck? Anyway I also found that I got a larger refund last year than I could have expected, as a result of the Obama tax cut, and I said so at the time to a lot of people, even posted it on Facebook!

  8. Moose8:42 PM

    Oops...... thanks brotherdoc! The taxes withheld from my paycheck DEcreased, so my take home pay INcreased. Facts don't seem to matter to many of these conservatives. The Evil Obama couldn't possibly have cut their taxes!

  9. Brushfire9:39 PM

    Stick your fingers in your ears and hum real loud, Popcorn. You don't want to risk hearing any uncomfortable facts that contradict your narrative.

  10. BikerBard10:42 PM

    Popcorn read the librul NY Times?
