Thursday, December 09, 2010

The Layoffs Coming to ASU

First, they'll try privatization. Appalachian State University Chancellor Ken Peacock says, in an official university press release, that he's looking at out-sourcing some services, which will mean staff layoffs:
"We want to ensure that Appalachian remains a good return on the state's investment in us. But we will do what we have to do to make sure we are one of the most efficiently run institutions in the UNC System. While the thought of outsourcing some services currently performed by our dedicated state employees gives me pause, we have a responsibility to go through an evaluation process in order to make sound financial decisions.”


  1. Eight hundred number12:35 PM

    (said in an Indian accent): "Hallo, my name is "Mark", what can I teach you today?"

  2. My question pertains mostly to faculty rather than to staff, but I'll ask anyway. Is ASU accredited by SACS? If so, how can they pass with the high percentage of adjuncts that they use (especially adjuncts that vote on tenure decisions?????)? I don't know of any other place that sanctions the latter practice - democratic or stupid?

  3. Oliver5:20 PM

    amjp-I believe you're mistaken about adjuncts having anything to do with decisions of that type. Adjuncts are not eligible for membership on any departmental or college personnel committees and those groups make all initial decisions concerning promotion and tenure. If you know of a situation contrary to my understanding, I'd want to be aware of it.

  4. It will be ASU staff--food sevices, etc. who take the hit. They will now get to work longer hours for less pay and with few, if any, benefits. Hope none of them voted for the Tea Party last go round cause if Peacock doesn't cut them out, the state will once the Republicans are in.

  5. Watcher8:14 AM

    Anne, You can't blame the Republicans (who haven't taken office yet) for the mess that NC is in.

    Cuts will have to be made in the state budget - most of the budget is education spending. Democratic Governor Bev Purdue is the one proposing these cuts (not that it matters who proposed them, cuts HAVE to be made, there is not enough money to pay the bills otherwise)

    I don't have enough knowledge of ASU's budget to have a valid opinion as to where the cuts should occur. I would like to see the informed comments from those who do have 'inside' knowledge.

    Assume that cuts will be made - what SHOULD be cut?

  6. What I want to know is WHERE IS THE TEA PARTY screaming about how the proposed Obama-Republican tax deal will add ONE TRILLION DOLLARS to the national debt. Talk about horseshit. They were either (a) duped or (b) corrupt to the core.

  7. NOT anonymous!2:05 PM

    Frank....Your argument is dependent upon the theory that NOT increasing taxes on American taxpayers is equivalent to increasing the deficit.

    If so...then why not raise EVERYONE's taxes?

  8. Oliver,

    There were articles in the local papers about two weeks ago about a resolution passed by the ASU Faculty Senate which proposed "an amendment to the Faculty Constitution that would prohibit lecturers from serving on or voting in elections of members to departmental personnel committees." I suppose I was equating NTT personal with adjuncts. Is there an official difference?

  9. pamphilia111:52 AM

    ampj is indeed correct that any 3/4 NTT faculty can vote for and serve on tenure and promotion committees. It's a rule left over from before the time when ASU relied so much on contingent faculty. The Senate's resolution was meant to deal with what many tenured faculty feel to be inappropriate, since most NTT faculty only have Master's degrees and do not have the same job requirements as tenure track faculty. Some NTT faculty are misrepresenting the resolution as a denial of voting rights, which it is not. They retain voting rights in all other respects. In some departments they even have their own hiring committees.

  10. Rubashov3:26 PM


    The faculty senate resolution is really about full-time, de facto permanent, lecturers, not about what you are probably thinking about as "adjuncts." Many of them can vote in elections and potentially serve on committees that vote on tenure. Please note that there is a trend at high-level institutions such as Duke to give these people a tenure-like status with promotion (instructor-Junior Lect.->Senior Lect.) so ASU is not an anomaly. And yes, we are up to our asses right now dealing with SACS.


    You're probably right about who gets hit. If faculty accepted last year's furloughs with a bit more grace than they might be able to save more jobs, but I doubt Peacock will want to use even more furloughs this year.


    Before screaming, you might try Google. Top TP blog Redstate says this:"But the deal must now die. It must now be opposed by Republicans. Released now in print, the legislation is loaded up with budget busting pork of ridiculously absurd levels. The attachments to the compromise represent everything wrong with Washington. Many of them mirror the same porkulus spending in TARP." Top Libertarian/TP blog Instapundit asks if GOP reps just want to make money before they get kicked out too. Read Kraulthammer's op-ed in the Washington Post. Five minutes of effort could have prevented a really stupid question.

  11. Brushfire5:06 PM

    Not anonymous- raising taxes on the middle class hurts our economy. Raising taxes on the wealthy helps our economy and protects the democratic process. When middle class families have more money to spend, they buy food, clothing, education. When ultra-wealthy people have more money to spend they buy politicians.

  12. ASU employees who voted for the Republican Tea Party should put their money where their mouths are and resign. After all, they are evil government workers.

  13. Oliver6:40 PM

    amjp-yeah, there's a difference. I'm not sure I can accurately explain it though. A lecturer is a full time faculty position. I've known a couple of folks who have spent their entire careers as lecturers and retired with faculty privileges. An adjunct is simply another name for for a part-time faculty member. I have no knowledge concerning a lecturers eligibility for membership on a college or departmental personnel committee. Perhaps one of our fellow posters can help out on this matter.

  14. Rubashov10:12 PM

    Oliver and amjp,

    As of this (or last?) year, the policy seems to be "if you're teaching enough credit hours (6? 9?) to get benefits, you get to vote for the Promotion and Tenure Committee (DPC)." Some tenure-track faculty object strenuously.

    I don't have skin in the game, but I find it ironic that the same faculty who talk loudly about "social justice" and "second-class citizens" in political discourse suddenly see the importance of "professionalism" when their own privilege comes under threat.

  15. Watcher2:12 PM

    Of course you are right, Rubashov!

    It is also ridiculous that some administrators and professors are making over $140K a year while workers in the cafeteria are making less than 40!

    Everyone in the University should be paid the same! They are almost all advocating for "social justice" in corporations - why not start at home?

    Tax all University personnel 100% of anything over 75K and distribute the money among the workers!
