Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cutting The State's Budget Is Gonna Be Soooo Easy!

Steve Troxler, the Republican incumbent Commissioner of Agriculture in NC, has refused to give Gov. Bev Perdue recommendations on where to cut spending in his department.

The Guv had asked every cabinet official to submit budget numbers to her reflecting a 5 percent cut in spending, a 10 percent cut, and a 15 percent cut.

So the first department head to cry "no possible cuts here!" is one of two Republicans on the Council of State.

Yeah, balancing the state's budget is gonna be an absolute breeze for the new Republican-dominated General Assembly!


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    heh,heh......I can't wait until Art Pope cuts the entired total budget at UNC-Chapel and closes this den of communists who are brainwashing the UNC men's Basketball team......Payback is hell!

  2. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Let's cut Erskine Bowles out first, no more entitlements for rich people!

  3. Even Republicans like UNC/ACC basketball, it might be one of the few things that could bring the parties together....

  4. It will be fascinating to watch all the folks who work for ASU and voted for conservatives eagerly accept their own jobs being cut. It's what they voted for. Accept your own dismissals, folks! Elections have consequences.

  5. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Past profligacy has consequences.

  6. I doubt the Republicans will fire ASU staffers. They'll privatize them instead. That way they can use them for more work for less pay and no benefits.

  7. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Hey, why don't you ASU people ask some very politically correct and RICH people, like Oprah Winfrey, whose incomes are astronomical, help your school out?

  8. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Oprah didn't go to ASU ...

  9. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Cutting the states budget is NOT going to be easy. But, that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done.

    Sometimes you just have to accept reality. You can't continue to have everything you want IF you can't pay for it.

    In some respects I feel sorry for the ones who are taking office. When they make the necessary cuts, they won't be popular. Look at the budget the DEMOCRAT governor is already talking about - it HAS to be done and, to her credit, she knows that some tuff times are ahead. Some of those cuts are going to be hard to accept but, what are the choices? Raise taxes more?

    When many of the businesses in this state are struggling to continue, why should government not make cuts as well? We have fewer people working and yet are trying to support an increasing number of government employees.

  10. Anonymous11:53 AM

    'Doesn't matter whether she went to ASU or not. I'm sure she and several of her very rich, politically correct pals will be generous enough to help out with any school's funding.
