Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Art Pope's North Carolina

Congratulations, corporations! You have said that making the rich richer will fix all in two years, that unleashing Big Business from regulation will mean The Second Coming, and that the poor can beg.

We are now counting down to that Brave New World.


  1. Popcorn11:02 AM

    No, we, the people, are rewarding success, not laziness, incompetence, and failure. The free market system has a little breathing room now to bring our nation out of the serious freedom robbing, job killing crisis it is in. The proof is in the pudding ladies and gentlemen, and nowhere has a socialist society gone on to do great things, unless you consider oppressing the proletariat as a great thing (Uncle Joe style).

  2. Brushfire11:51 AM

    Deregulation actually hurts business in the long run. When companies can get away with cheating and purveying shoddy or tainted goods, consumers become suspicious and stop buying anything. The good businesses get hammered along with the bad ones because the public loses trust. Look at what happened to the spinach growers and strawberry growers when one company sold E.coli contaminated food. When banks are unregulated, people stop trusting them and hold their money under the mattress, which hurts banks and the rest of the economy.
    Deregulation brings short-term profits for a few at the cost of a long-term sustainable economy.

  3. Anonymous1:28 PM

    and nowhere has a socialist society gone on to do great things,*Popcorn

    As usual Tea party republican, you have forgot that Hilter and his socialist fascist government put the German people to work just like your failed Corporate American Fascists are not doing.....

  4. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Anonymous, what happened to the German people after their socialist government lost the war?

    What happened to the free market citizens of the United Sates?
