Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Kennedy/Foxx Debate Tonight

This will not be a recap of what was, really, one of the liveliest and most revealing political face-offs we've ever witnessed.

A fuller recounting of the evening will have to wait until tomorrow ... if it happens at all (we've got other ducklings to stomp, people!).

But one thing happened, post-debate, that demands some comment: just minutes after the thing concluded around 8:30 p.m. this evening, and certainly by 9 p.m., here comes an e-mail blast from Virginia Foxx crowing about how she won the whole thing. Reading it, we started chuckling and then we were laughing out loud.

Because, clearly, although there was standing-room only in the Ashe Civic Center tonight, Virginia Foxx herself was not there.

Is this standard practice among politicians? To write the press release before the event even happens, declare victory, and trust the dumb electorate never will catch on that you're far more gifted at fiction -- fantasy, even -- than at the truth.


  1. I think you missed it. Billy Kennedy showed no knowledge of the topics, issues, and he apparently is not aware that ASU has received or should I say "been paid off" by big wind industry. He knows nothing about their big money from Acciona. Also, he must not be aware that the ASU wind turbine is not connected to the grid. I was really disappointed. I'd say Foxx was the clear winner.

  2. Henery7:05 AM

    I was there in the room last night. Praise for the Military Officers Association for staging the liveliest debate I've ever been too! So much better than those boring Chamber of Commerce forums. Billy Kennedy was obviously nervous. Foxx was obviously not. But Billy threw some punches and they landed.

  3. Mike D.8:53 AM


    ASU's wind turbine is not connected to the grid? Since you seem to be in the know, please tell me what it is connected to.

  4. Independent Mom9:27 AM

    I thanked several members of the MOAA last night. THAT is the way Democracy-in-action SHOULD look!

  5. Here is the link to the Jefferson Post account of the debate. http://www.jeffersonpost.com/view/full_story/9895837/article-Foxx--Kennedy-debate-issues?instance=home_news_lead

  6. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Big wind industry? Really? You are joking, right?

  7. Anonymous2:32 PM

    "big wind industry."....that cracks me up. Obviously the teabaggers are as dumb as they are stupid.

  8. Mike D.12:08 AM

    "October 13, 2010

    Dear Friends,

    Do you want to know how badly Billy Kennedy beat Virginia Foxx in last night's debate?

    Click here to see one outstanding exchange.

    Last night Billy showed voters he is up to the task of representing us in Congress, and he very clearly demonstrated why we are so proud to stand beside him.

    The stakes couldn't be any higher. Want you join us with a contribution of $10, $20, or $30 dollars?

    Our grassroots campaign is gaining traction everyday. With an enthusiastic endorsement from the Winston-Salem Journal and a resounding win in last night's debate, we have the momentum to surprise all those Washington insiders who say it can't be done.

    Early voting starts tomorrow and we are only 20 days away from the election. Your contribution will help us share this message with voters from Watauga to Winston-Salem." - Email I received

    So why are you complaining that Foxx declared victory when Kennedy did exactly the same thing? You think you guys are the only ones on his mailing list???

    Oh right... fine when you do it, but just horrible when they do it, right? Welcome to my dear friend WataugaWatch. If you are new here, this is how it works. Demonize others for the same behavior that you exhibit. Don't talk issues, talk behavior, and talk about how horrible they are. Nevermind that your guys exhibit exactly the same behavior. Do not focus on the ideological differences, as that would result in honest debate. Focus on the behavior. The behavior is easy to attack. Just don't look at the man behind the curtain. Nothing to see here.
