Monday, October 04, 2010

Dan Soucek's Phantom Business

Still searching for that "small business" that Dan Soucek has made such a campaign issue of. "Dan Soucek ... Small Businessman." It's in all of his campaign lit, so naturally we're curious.

Somebody said it was called "Double D Disposal," but if that's so, you'd think there would be some listing in the phonebook. There's not, neither in the White Pages nor the Yellow.

No website either.

And it's not listed on the Secretary of State's site. Nor with the NC Department of Revenue. Nor with the NC Department of Commerce.

Some business! And quite the businessman!

Apparently, when you live in The Matrix, you don't need any of the normal trappings of a business, nor really even a business.


  1. AntiDan3:12 PM

    Dan Soucek is nothing but a well-coifed puppet who was identified, recruited and willingly processed through a full year of indoctrination camps run by the John Locke Foundation. Don’t believe it? Look into the true meaning of the E.A. Morris “fellowship” he was awarded, but don’t look on his campaign website. All related info there has been mysteriously removed in the past four months.

    This guy served the MINIMUM required term of service following his $225,000 government-funded education. After that, he led an organized sub-rosa assault on the separation of church and state in Watauga County by training and directing a team of fundamentalist religious recruiters who attempted to infiltrate our high school and middle schools. Now, at least according to his television ads, he wants to “restore honor to the North Carolina Senate.”

    You betcha.

  2. Anonymous3:16 PM

    There was a letter in high Country Press from a woman who said Dan dumps her trash & shovels her snow. I guess a few thousand of us are "Small businessmen" in the High Country. Should we be paying taxes on our small businesses? Does Dan?

  3. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Soucek must really be threatening your candidate, 'else you would not be on his case day after day.

  4. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Soucek is running a "scum" campaign. But what do you expect from fundamentalist Christians? I avoid them at all costs. And they wonder why the country has no respect for them. (Oh yeah--I mean "persecutes" them). Sob Sob

  5. Anonymous9:42 PM

    By "scum" campaign, you mean he's giving your candidate a good run for the seat.

  6. Independent Mom1:20 AM

    I went to see the candidate forum in Ashe County the other night. I had not seen Mr. Soucek ANYwhere, and wanted a chance to hear what he had to say.

    All I can say is....not impressed. No understanding of the issues, no presence, no depth. He had a series of talking points that sounded like every other politician I've ever heard, and he was reading them from notes! I was extraordinarily disappointed.

    I WAS impressed, though, by everything Mr. Goss has done for our district, and by his obvious honesty, hard work, and concern for our people.

  7. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Mr. Goss says in his add that he saved of created many jobs. This is not provable. Goss cannot even think up his own lies. He has to copy Obama.

  8. AnonymousTwo9:05 PM

    There is absolutely no smear campaign, just the truth coming out. It looks like Dan Soucek is going to Raleigh, and I hope he does.

  9. Anonymous8:57 AM

    The liberal cry on this site in laughable. You attack Mr. Soucek's service to this country by stating that he "served the minimum" required in exchange for his West Point education. The audacity of this statement is insulting and embarrassing. Has it come to a point where you can't discuss the policy issues? You should be thanking him for his service to the country, not berating him for his service. To show the ignorance in full spectrum of your statement; millions of college students receive federal funding for their education and do nothing to "pay back the country". Attack his policies all you want, attack him on the issues, but do not attack him on his service for this country. From what I can tell all you do for this country is occupy a little place on the internet and cry about the GOP. Your political analysis couldn't hack it in the real world. If you want to finger people running smear campaigns, look in the mirror. You present nothing but wild accusations and ad hominem attacks. Congratulations.

  10. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Why is he such a moralist when it comes to the lives of Gay people? Doesn't he understand the his religious beliefs have no business when it comes to the civil rights of NC residents? He needs to leave his church teachings at the parish door and spend his time helping to get jobs for the unemployed and funding for our schools. Being bigoted is unbecoming to an elected official!
