Monday, September 13, 2010

From yesterday's Tea Party rally in Washington, D.C.


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Boy is that Redneck Tea Party Republican going to be shocked when the 82 nd Airboure shows him peace with superior firepower!

  2. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Why would the 82nd Airborne do such as thing?

    But since they got away with murder at Waco and Ruby Ridge, then I guess they think they can get with away with even more murder, huh?

  3. Liberal POV5:10 PM

    The man in the photo looks like a hard working citizen from parts of the country where NPR is not allowed and fundamentalist extreme right wing Christian radio replaces the NPR stations and no other stations exsist.

    Corporate propaganda will continue cranking the screws down dividing Americans to protect their interest.

    Go the the Conservative blog and read some of the local extremist.

  4. Also Anonymous6:44 PM

    Anonymous -v- Anonymous
    Can't you guys pick a name? Is it that hard? Here, how about "Unimaginative" and "Unthinking?" (in order of post)

  5. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Re: the protesters sign,


  6. Anonymous8:47 PM

    It's insulting remarks like that; such as, "unimaginative" and "unthinking", both untrue, and of course, the prevailing favorite, "extremist", that is at least partially responsible for the growing divisive problem.

    But then some are just following Marx's instruction of demonizing people who disagree with his followers.

  7. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Maybe some of you that make fun of this picture should read the Federalist Papers. They had the same message. If you don't know about the Federalist Papers, you are to uneducated to have a valid opinion.

  8. shyster7:02 PM

    Lib. I decided a long time ago not to address or respond to Nonny Mice. DNFTT (Do not feed the trolls.)

  9. Also Anonymous8:19 PM

    Now, just who felt insulted: Anonymous or Anonymous?

    Do you get it yet, folks?

  10. Anonymous10:18 AM

    To "shyster": As to your id, how appropriate.

    To "Also Anonymous": Wouldn't you like to know?
