Thursday, August 26, 2010

Former Head of Republican Nat'l Comm. Says He's Gay


And "is working to advance the cause of same-sex marriage." (NYTimes, this a.m.)


Mike Rogers, who outed Mehlman several years ago for being a flaming hypocrite for the reelection of El Presidente (remember his sorry ass?), said today that Mehlman can't be let off his past sins that benefitted right-wing Republicans so easily (all by way of Wonkette, who had a lengthy post today on all this sorry history:
So, how can Ken Mehlman redeem himself? I want to hear from Ken that he is sorry for being the architect of the 2004 Bush reelection campaign. I want to hear from Ken that he is sorry for his role in developing strategy that resulted in George W. Bush threatening to veto ENDA or any bill containing hate crimes laws. I want to hear from Ken that he is sorry for the pressing of two Federal Marriage Amendments as political tools. I want to hear from Ken that he is sorry for developing the 72-hour strategy, using homophobic churches to become political arms of the GOP before Election Day.

And those state marriage amendments. I want to hear him apologize for every one of those, too.


  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I wager that Bush 2 thought Ken was really bending over for his neo-con cause after all?

  2. brushfire1:20 PM

    I think gay marriage is one wedge issue that "conservatives" will no longer be able to use to divide us.
    The times they are a'changing, thank heavens.
