Saturday, July 24, 2010

There's Money in Jail

Sure, it's fine to have a brand new county prison like Ashe County's, but we're not so sure about the wisdom of bragging in public about how much money you're making by incarcerating prisoners from other counties.


  1. Delightful! A new revenue stream discovered! Nothing to be concerned at all about incentive-izing incarceration. More prisoners = more money.

    Time to got out and rustle up some inmates! Sure, maybe some of them might be innocent, but what the heck. Maybe we'll balance out budget!!

  2. Johnny Rico1:59 PM

    Watauga County gave up its detention facility a few years back, and now Ashe has filled the niche created by our County Commissioner's incompetence. Watauga County in essence gave up a money making proposition. With prisoner rights and facility standards what they are now, prisons are big business. That, coupled with the skyrocketing amount of senseless laws put on the books each year by liberals, virtually guarantees more innocents to be incarcerated. I have always found it very humerous that liberals whine and cry about the United States having the largest percentage of citizens incarcerated, yet these very same hypocrites are the ones giving us the majority of new laws!! Amazing. Ashe County understands this sad dynamic and I can't blame them for capitalizing on it.

    Hate crimes are a prime example. Another one that I just can't resist is the Patriot Act. Put into law under the left leaning Bush, liberals screamed bloody murder about how it would be used against American citizens. Within a few months of Hussein Obama being elected, the liberals suddenly woke from their election induced hysteria to discover that the Patriot Act was the perfect law to do what liberals usaully do - oppress law abiding citizens. Instead of abolishing the Patriot Act, the liberals are now silent on the issue. Can't let an oppressive law go to waste can we! LOL!!!!

    Your ole pal

    Linda R.

    Johnny Rico

  3. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Good to see the Prison Industrial Complex is alive and well with it's Police State Booking motel Service......

  4. Spell-Check10:15 PM

    I find it "humerous" that Wacko-Rico still can't spell.

  5. factoid12:49 PM

    The state decided to close the medium security prison. The county did a great job incorporating portions of the old facility into a new law enforcement center. The Watauga county detention facility does house inmates from other counties. Johnny Rico is misinformed on this issue.
    Well, pretty much on every issue.

  6. Matt Robinson6:59 AM

    Yeah we liberals now LOVE the USA PATRIOT Act. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure ...

  7. Johnny Rico10:46 AM


    Watauga County had a chance to save the Watauga County Detention Facility which had been in operation for many, many years. They did nothing and it was closed. I visited the detention facility and talked to the warden before the decision was made to close it. The Warden was of the opinion that a certain segment of Watauga County citizens didn't want the detention facility any longer. So it is you who is misinformed.

    Interestingly enough, this warden told about an interesting find from an old junk closet that was being remodeled back in the 80s. Several old chain gang uniforms with stripes and shackles and large, heavy metal balls were found. Very interesting and indiciative of why criminals no longer fear prison as they once did.

    Johnny Rico

  8. Mike D.10:53 PM


    You are a "liberal"? How can one so learned place himself in a flock? I should think that so much study would lead to a deeply thoughtful, insightful, broad minded individual with a unique and diverse set of views.

    Well, at least you aren't passing conformity on to the next generation by becoming a teacher or anything. ;)

  9. Mike D.11:00 PM

    Dr. Robinson,

    Do you believe that the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, were an inside job?

    I am not interested in a convoluted answer that points me to what other people have said.

    I am asking you, Matt Robinson, do you believe that the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, were an inside job?

    It is a very simple question to answer with a 'yes' or a 'no'. My answer is 'no'.

  10. brushfire1:50 PM

    Mike D. You posed a very interesting question to Matt Robinson and I want to put in my 2 cents worth. I do not believe the 9/11 attacks were an "inside job". However, I believe there is enough evidence to suggest the previous administration had prior knowledge that the attacks were being planned and had no interest in preventing them. If you are familiar with the Project for the New American Century, you know that many policy makers in the Bush administration were members of this organization which had been advocating the invasion of Iraq since the mid 1990's. Their publication Rebuilding America's Defenses foreshadows a Pearl Harbor-like event necessary to get the public on board with the massive military build-up called for by this group. There was also the memo delivered to President Bush entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike in US". Suskind's book "The One Percent Doctrine" reports that a CIA agent flew to President Bush's vacation ranch and brought the memo and other evidence to the president's attention again. The CIA agent was brushed off with the comment, "You've covered your ass, you can go now." So there is motive, opportunity, and given the Bush families' close and long-standing ties with the Saudis, we can assume means. I think there is a smoking gun that needs to be investigated.

  11. BikerBard7:30 PM

    I don't think we'll ever get that investigation, but I am in complete agreement with you.

  12. brushfire9:51 PM

    Biker Bard- given the truly appalling crimes committed by the previous administration, including but not limited to torture, isn't it amazing the kind of trivial nonsense some people will find to criticize about President Obama? He doesn't show enough emotion, he uses the wrong kind of mustard, he uses teleprompters, and so on.

  13. BikerBard10:28 PM

    Brushfire: You left out, "He took his wife out to the theatre!"

    "The horror, the horror!"
