Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Jordan Push-Polling Against Cullie Tarleton

Why do they always resort to this? Because they can't win on their own merits or virtues.

Jonathan Jordan, the Republican from Ashe County running against Cullie Tarleton, is polling in this district with this choice question: Would you be more or less inclined to vote for Cullie Tarleton if you knew he were an investment banker who had been charged with embezzlement?

Would you be more or less inclined to vote for Jonathan Jordan if you knew he was a sleazebag lawyer?

For the record, Cullie Tarleton was not an investment banker and has never been charged with anything. Plus he's a good man, which is something we can't say for Mr. Jordan.


  1. Matt Robinson8:34 PM

    Gosh, is NOTHING sacred anymore?

  2. factoid9:37 PM

    In our current USA if you vote Republican and you're not rich, then you're dumber than a hog eating s**t.

  3. Anonymous9:39 PM

    The August 31st Referendum--Watauga County
    On August 31st the citizens of Watauga County will be asked to vote on a special referendum. Are you surprised to read about this? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Most folks have focused their attention towards the general election in November. But unfortunately August 31st now commands attention, as the issue at hand is whether or not Watauga County citizens wish to see their sales sax increased from 7.75% to 8%.

  4. I got this push call and after telling her at least 5 times I was voting for Cullie Tarleton I finally terminated the conversation.

  5. BikerBard10:29 PM

    What despicable politics!
