Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Rand Paul, Call Your Office

Ah yes! Unfettered free market capitalism will solve all our problems! No government regs needed:
"A series of internal investigations over the past decade warned senior BP managers that the company repeatedly disregarded safety and environmental rules and risked a serious accident if it did not change its ways...."

Put your libertarianism where the sun don't shine (which is approximately the same place from whence BP oil is gushing into the Gulf).


  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Poor Rand! He just does not know when to keep his mouth shut....No doubt, He didn't get his Dad Gene......

  2. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Why do you suppose he is so far ahead in the polls?

  3. No Compromise1:20 AM

    My, how JW, in assigning the blame for the Gulf oil spill on the Republicans, conveniently forgets to mention that it was Bill Clinton who signed the Outer Continental Shelf Deepwater Royalty Relief Act, which exempted oil wells drilled deep in the Gulf from the normal royalty payments they would normally have owed the government for their oil. This misguided policy begun by the Clinton Administration was the first and most important act of the Gulf-oil-spill's roots.

  4. BikerBard7:27 PM

    No Comp:
    What a one-note song your sing. Blame the Democrats.


  5. Mike D.12:47 AM


    I agree. His posts are longer, and he makes more specific references, even debates the issues, but in essence, you are correct. No Compromise does the same thing you do.

  6. Anonymous5:29 PM

    "I agree. His posts are longer, and he makes more specific references, even debates the issues, but in essence, you are correct. No Compromise does the same thing you do." MikeD

    Please reference a single instance in which the Bard made a specific reference or debated an issue instead of calling someone names and attacking him. How can you legitimately say that No Compromise does the same thing as the Bard. I think he does the same thing as you do Mike, he just does not always agree with you.

  7. Mike D.8:10 PM


    Please look up this word: "sarcasm".

    I was poking fun at BikerBard, son of a silly person!

  8. brushfire11:56 AM

    No Comp - Where in JW's post do you see the word "Republican"? How do you get that JW is blaming Republicans if he doesn't even say the word? Methinks you doth protest too much (apologies to BB)You are perhaps projecting?

  9. Mike D.12:25 AM


    You are generally so reasonable. Why change that now? You make strong, eloquent, logical, virtually airtight arguments. You do not need to pretend that this is not a partisan blog run by someone whose primary, possibly only, goal is to smear Republicans. We all understand that it is.

    Have you not read this blog in the past year? At one point, J.W. posted 7 (seven) consecutive threads that were direct assaults on Virginia Foxx. Everything that this site stands for is attacking Republicans.

    You are far too intelligent not to know this, so I must presume that you are playing games here!

  10. BikerBard5:05 PM

    Not to smear, but to expose to daylight.

  11. brushfire1:40 AM

    Mike - you are conflating Republicans with Virginia Foxx. She may be a Republican but all Republicans are not her. And in this post neither Virginian Foxx nor Republicans were mentioned. Are you suggesting that every idiot or crook who identifies as Republican automatically represents all Republicans? Even then, in this post Rand Paul is identified as a Libertarian idiot.
    It's true JW goes after a lot of Republican idiots and crooks, but he has castigated and criticized plenty of Democrats too.
    BTW - I like you too. :}
