Sunday, May 09, 2010

GOP Judicial Activists

I'll be voting for Rick Elmore for re-election to the NC Court of Appeals this fall. Elmore is a Republican. But the other guy he's running against, one Steven Walker, also a Republican, is far scarier.

Adam Linker at The Progressive Pulse has made something of a project of following the Walker candidacy.

Republicans express alarm at judicial activists, unless they are their judicial activists. Check.


  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Walker is simply a Pawn in this little judical game. Judge Brady is laughing his gun packing payback ass off since the establishment Republican Art Pope bunch tossed him under the Bus for another Candiate for his Supreme Court seat.......Walker is just another example of the lazy and stupid Voters democrat or Republican who continue to vote for the first name on ballot.....

  2. I-4441:32 PM

    The Blowing Rock land trade passed on Friday and will be signed by Obama. Virginia Foxx misled local voters with this bill which was then picked up by the communist Richard Burr. Wonder why the left doesn't report on this?

  3. BikerBard9:13 PM

    Because YOU will report it, Faux.

  4. BikerBard9:15 PM

    PS: I-444 should be named U-666.

  5. I-4446:49 PM

    Again, why does the left refuse to comment on a legitimate ursurpation of power by an out of control politician (Foxx). Then, another out of control oppressor, Senator Burr, does the same thing. Do you agree with what they did? Or do you agree that they misled Watauga County residents by not reporting on the issue until they absolutly had to due to pressure by local sportspersons? One way or the other you have an opinion, right? You hear nothing from the left on this issue though. Why is that?


  6. BikerBard5:21 PM

    We've known all along Foxx was an out of control looney. YOU are just waking up.

    The real question is, "Why are you so late in coming to the party?"

  7. I-4446:38 PM

    still waiting


  8. bridle12:36 PM

    1-444 - BB is right. We all know Foxx and Burr are corporate pawns.
    But can you explain the details of that land swap? As you pointed out, this was not a well publicised deal and I don't know exactly what happened.

  9. Mike D.6:27 PM


    I don't disagree with your statement that "Foxx and Burr are corporate pawns".

    That said, I do have a question for you. Do you consider Obama, Reid, and Pelosi to be "corporate pawns" as well?

  10. BikerBard6:54 PM

    I-666 has been whining (under other names on the other site) about that deal for MONTHS. The upshot of it is he won't be able to kill more animals on that land. This (federally protected wildlife land) has his panties in a major knot. In fact, if memory serves, he is G. Faux over there.

    Bridle: PLEASE close that barn door.

  11. Mike D.11:13 PM


    What separates Haiti and the Dominican Republic, besides a border, is the way the two countries have treated their land. One is beautiful, with a bright future as a Caribbean jewel. The other is a barren hellhole, one natural disaster away from civilization collapse, or at least it was, before the natural disaster occurred. Now it is the process of collapse, regardless of how many has-been musical groups hold benefit concerts. The country destroyed its resources. Its topsoil literally washed out to sea. Now there is nothing... only people.

    One of the things that makes America great, Guy, is the fact that we protect our natural resources. No country in the history of the planet has ever protected forests as we have in the United States of America.

    No sense of American pride or American exceptionalism is valid without appreciation for our protection of natural resources, in particular our forests.

    Now, that said, the rabid environmentalists who slander our country as the worst keeper of the environment are every bit as insane and dishonest.

    Guy, be intelligent and honest, please. Do you want to end up like Haiti, Easter Island, Pitcairn and Rwanda?

  12. bridle3:26 PM

    Mike - Good question. I believe in Obama's sincerity as a liberal for these reasons. I read his books (written by himself, before he was a celebrity) and they ring very true. He was raised by a woman who dedicated her life to social justice. He has first-hand experience of poverty, discrimination, and injustice. After graduating with a prestigious degree he went into a field where he could improve lives (community organizer) rather than draw a big salary as a high powered lawyer.
    His actions have been consistent with his speech, for the most part. The evidence indicates that he truly believes in compromise and working together; there have been several accounts such as this one published.
    Pelosi and Reid are professional politicians and have been for a long time. I really don't know much else about them. No doubt they have been involved in a lot of deals over the course of their careers but their actions have been generally good for the country, even if their motives are less than pure. Do you have any specific reasons to believe they are cynical or bought off?

  13. BikerBard5:39 PM

    Guy's Probable Response to Mike:
    "Yes, if I get to shoot all the wildlife I can point a gun at!"

    Mike: Don't ask Faux to be honest. He can't even fess up to his own posts, and you ask for honesty??
    It's not within his slimy nature. He enjoys playing his games too much, and he thinks he is oh, so smart.

    "His countenance likes me not."
