Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No Slanted Reporting Here!

Linda Burchette's lead paragraph in her coverage of Saturday's tea party in Ashe:
The basic idea is to return to conservative values and fix the tax system, two things most any American would probably agree with. That is most likely why the Tea Party movement is gaining momentum all across the United States and even in some foreign countries.

With reporting like that, you can probably scrap the editorial page altogether.


  1. Haha. JW you bring comic relief. Is it your assertion that most Americans would like to see the 70,000 page tax code expanded? Is the 50 hrs. most Americans spend compiling and filing their tax returns not excusive? Our tax system is broken, and "most any American would probably agree." Have you picked up a paper to read what is happening in Greece? Can you not see the implications of runaway spending? These are the reasons "why the Tea Party movement is gaining momentum all across the United States and even in some foreign countries." Sheer hatred for all things conservative, traditional, or anti-progressive are your only reasons for choosing to post such a pompous column.

    What do you say to the fact that a new Rasmussen Research survey, showed that only 30 percent of respondents believe the average member of Congress has a better understanding of the issues facing the country than a Tea Party activist, while 52 percent of likely U.S. voters think the average Tea Party activist has a better understanding of the issues than the average member of Congress? Are you looking forward to Nov. 3rd? I am.

  2. Really? I personally would love to return to liberal values but er, keep the tax system we have now? No way. I say, go back to the tax system we had under Ronald Reagan:

  3. Just to be clear: Reagan was at 20% for capital gains and 28% for dividends. Obama is at 20% for capital gains and 20% for dividends.

  4. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Sounds like these tea party members believe that Arizona is now a Republican Nazi paradise

  5. It's not just the lead. If you can get through it without puking, it's basically a cheerleader whitewash of the Teabagger agenda. What an ass-smooch.

  6. BikerBard3:33 PM

    What? Tax reductions for the wealthy?

  7. bridle5:13 PM

    Before Reagan's "reform", our small business had been netting us about 5,000 a year. With the tax breaks we got by carefully doing all the math and taking advantage of all the loopholes, we could get by on that. After Reagan's "reform", our taxes more than doubled and we had to let the business go.
    Reagan was one of the worst presidents ever. Very photogenic though.

  8. BikerBard6:33 PM

    I was paying 18% interest on my mortgage during the Reagan years. I have no love lost on that ninny.

    If he were a better actor, he never would have been president.

  9. Liberal POV6:20 AM


    If you can find some close up photos you will notices most of those in the Tea Party Mob are on medicare protesting a government run health care system.

    I call it a mob because it has no leadership, no plan, no vision for a better future, no ideas for the problems facing the American people.

    Most of these folks are on Social Security protesting entitlements. That's what too much Fox News and a daliy diet of Fear and Hate radio will do.

  10. BikerBard9:06 AM

    Liberal POV:
    You are exactly right! It is amazing that the Rethugs could motivate people to protest against their own vested interests. "Mob" IS an appropriate term.

    Thanks for taking it on the chin for the team at the other site. You do get in a few haymakers, but they are too self-absorbed to feel it. However, seeing the girls with their knickers in a twist is very amusing.

  11. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Well JW, would you rather have this report on the news page instead of being an editorial?

    From what I see of your editorials this is quite mild.

  12. BikerBard5:09 PM


    Unless I am wrong, you misread Jerry's post. This article WAS written as news, NOT an editorial. THAT was his point!

    And Jerry's "editorials" are also the point! It's HIS blog!

  13. EAbbey6:14 PM

    Where were all these tea bags when W was bankrupting the government, stomping the Constitution, warmongering, and allowing the Wall Street criminals to run wild? Oh, I forgot: W is white.

  14. ParallelWorld BikerBard7:35 AM

    And Christian, too. Isn't Barack Hussein Obama some sort of Muslim?

  15. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Not now. Records show he was a Muslim when he was in elementary school. He left that religion for the hate church of Reverend wright.

  16. It was on the News Page:


  17. BikerBard8:53 PM

    President Obama, before he ran for office, had final approval of the Rev. Wright's (CAPITALIZE, please) sermons? Get real, Mouse. You are acting stupid.

    Wait - you aren't acting??

    PS: Clever, moniker dude!

  18. BikerBard10:51 AM

    PS to Nonny-Mouse:

    Since you are so interested in President Obama's elementary school background, what's YOUR elementary school background? At what grade did you leave to become a farmer?

  19. bridle1:40 PM

    For all those who are so interested in President Obama's religion, you may wish to consider the constitution of the United States of America which plainly and clearly states - article 6 "...no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."
