Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Downside of Prostitution

Jon Stewart destroyed John McCain last night.

Or, if you blanch at seeing the tired old non-maverick exposed for selling himself cheap, you can sample the downside of being anointed by the DSCC.


  1. BikerBard7:42 PM

    John McCain would sell his mother if it got him re-elected.

  2. Mike D.8:50 PM


    As my mom has always said... "Now you say something nice about him!"

  3. BikerBard7:03 AM

    Maybe he'll use the pimping money he got from selling his mother to adopt a little, homeless puppy.

  4. Mike D.8:31 AM

    Much better. :-)

  5. Mike D.9:23 PM


    "Jon Stewart destroyed John McCain last night."


    So, causing pain to your foes brings you great joy???

    It's amazing how a little power can turn false tolerance into sadism.

  6. BikerBard8:37 PM

    Lighten up Mike D. Show biz talk- "We killed them!" We destroyed them!" Typical comedy lingo. Hang around comedy clubs. You'll hear the comics saying these things, themselves.

    Now stop it! You're killing me, Mike!

  7. bridle9:10 PM

    John Stewart is the most brilliant political commentator alive today. Molly Ivans was another on his level, but alas, no longer with us.

  8. bridle9:10 PM

    That be Jon Stewart, not John.

  9. Mike D.8:44 AM


    Palin used the word "target" to describe what Republicans would be doing to certain Democrats in conservative districts, and CNN and MSNBC jumped all over her.

    I can only imagine what they, and perhaps you, would have said if Palin used one of your colorful words.

  10. bridle9:07 AM

    Mike D. The difference is that Biker Bard is expressing his opinion as a private individual in a (more or less) private context. Ms Palin was an elected official in a public venue, with the deliberate intent to rouse a mob mentality. Even the secret service took not of her incendiary speech with great concern.

  11. Shyster2:33 PM

    He had me at "soul default swaps"

  12. BikerBard2:53 PM

    Mike D.: The additional difference is that Palin also used a visual with CROSS HAIRS! Can you get any more inflamatory? Shoot the targets? She's an irresponsible jerk who needs to understand her responsibility to maintain order and decorum on the public stage.

    Note to Shyster- LOL! You slay me!

    Note to Palin- "Get the Hook!" (showbiz talk)

  13. Mike D.3:29 PM


    Most of your posts make a lot of sense to me, but the last misses the mark. It's okay to use incendiary speech if you do it only in a private(public) forum???

    How about telling black jokes, as long as you only do it in local newspapers rather than on national TV?

    I do not understand this whole "the difference is" thing!

    There is no difference! If you make ethnic slurs, or gay slurs, or threaten violence, or revel in the demise of someone, it matters not whether one person, or one million people hear you. It's still wrong.

    Let me ask you. At what audience magnitude does it become wrong? Ten people? A thousand? A million? How many listeners does it take to make hateful speech wrong?

  14. Mike D.4:11 PM


    I don't expect that you will follow these links, but if you dare, compare Palin's map with these other maps, and tell me what you think.

    Palin's map

    This one which currently resides on the Democratic Leadership Committee site.

    This one from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, even complete with the handy key, explaining that the obvious targets are "Targeted Republicans". You just can't make this stuff up.

    As I said, either it's wrong, or it isn't wrong. Ok, let's hear the silly "the difference is" excuses.

    Can we try, for once, to have an honest discussion?

  15. I can see a difference, Mike. We are sitting at our computers alone writing our opinions. She is standing on a podium talking to a crowd of angry people trying to make them angrier. She is trying to whip them into a frenzy of hatret and rage. We are talking to each other, but there is a separation between us that prevents the mob mentality. She is also in the position of being a role model, but she does not seem to feel the responsibility that goes with that position.

  16. bridle1:29 PM

    RV - Good point. We all agree there is a difference between using metaphor and inciting violence.We would all agree that a coach giving a pep talk, telling his team to "wipe them out" is behaving in a responsible and reasonable way, while Hitler working his crowd to a frenzy of hate against the jews -saying perhaps the exact same thing -"wipe them out", is not.
    How do we make that distinction? Context is all important.

  17. Mike D.8:54 PM

    "Context is all important." - Bridle

    Exactly. Please examine the context of Palin's map and tell me what it is.

  18. The context is saying "Don't retreat. Reload" and then using the imagery of crosshairs over the Democrats she thinks should be targeted.

  19. This is just the latest context. The link that Bridle posted showed that death threats against the Obamas spiked when Palin said he "palled around with terrorists".
