Sunday, March 07, 2010

And the Acting Award Goes to...

...Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, who for years has made "choking up" in public a regular feature of her political persona.

Another bravura performance on Saturday at the Watauga County Republican Convention. You'll have to read all the way to the end to get it.


  1. BikerBard11:37 AM

    Jerry_ How appropriate for Oscar Sunday. Yes, she is a premire actress. If you meet her, she is so sweet and friendly. she reminded me of my grandmother.  Then, you hear her on the floor of the House, she is one mean-spirited, nasty be-atch. And boy, she can turn one of the two personalities on at the flick of a switch. She's an actress all right! Move over, Meryl Streep!

  2. hcprogressive1:46 PM

    Look at the actual list of supporters that the Cunningham campaign just released.  I saw the email from Rachel Hunt Nilender, but that
    ist is huge and includes a ton of really important people.
    Just check out
    Representatives Pricey Harrison and Lorene Coates.  Val Applewhite
    from the Fayetteville City Council, Nina Szlosberg-Landis, Former
    Chair of the Mecklenburg County Commission Liz Hair, Orange County Commissioner Bernadette Pelissier and a few hundred other people from across the state.  That is quite a list!

  3. Cunningham is nothing but a war mongering establishment Corporate military industrial complex pawn! He is no more a progressive than Burr is a constitutionist.......

  4. hcprogressive1:59 PM

    So Cal sent himself to war to take him away from his wife and children? Yeah that makes sense.

    He is the first senate candidate in America to come out for filibuster reform.

    Lay off the personal attacks, and why not try being positive about your own candidate?

  5. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I imagine there will be alot of "choking up" here after the November election.

    While I'm not a big fa of the Republicraps, I will be enjoying the results.

  6. Obama 0810:05 AM

    I too hope the republicans win in November. Atleast the progressives will know where they stand instead of waiting hopelessly for the entrenched job scared democrats who have dragged their arses delivering the "change" we were promised and deserve. Clean house! 

  7. BikerBard6:08 PM

    Don't gloat just yet, Obama. It won't matter if you're a Dem or a Rethug. It's a "Throw Out The Bums" election.
