Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mystery Man

The "Keith Gardner" who filed to run against Virginia Foxx in the Republican primary on May 4 listed his address on the filing forms at the State Board of Election as 2425 N. Center St. Suite 204, which is the mailing address for the business (Admin on Call, Inc.) for which "V.K. Gardner" is listed as agent on the Secretary of State's listing.

The Watauga Democrat says he is a resident of Alexander County. "Van Keith Gardner" is indeed registered in Alexander Co. (which IS in the 5th District) at a Hickory address -- 185 Sienna Drive -- which also happens to be the registered office address for Admin on Call, Inc.

He registered to vote in Alexander County just last November 18.

Admin on Call, Inc. does not appear to have a website. It is listed on the national citysearch for Hickory as offering "legal services." The Watauga Democrat says it's a "medical practice management firm," which maybe involves "legal services." We searched several variations of the Gardner name on both the North Carolina Bar site and the NC medical registry and could not find him listed as either an attorney or a medical professional.

He has no web presence that we can locate, and other than mailing a letter to one of the addresses listed on the Secretary of State's site, we don't know how to wish him well in his quest to unseat Virginia Foxx.


  1. Mike D.9:11 PM

    Why lie?

    What you care about is encouraging a Republican candidate you think your party can beat.

    To pretend that you wish Gardner well is dishonesty in its purest form.

    There is a good chance I will not vote for Foxx this Autumn, but my attitude toward her candidacy between now and then will be honest and aboveboard, not devious and underhanded.

    Shame on you.

  2. BikerBard9:29 PM

    Try the decaf! Foxx neds to go by "any means necessary." Even someone in her own party playing loosey-goosey with his residency is good. She works squarely for corporate backers.

    And it's NOT dishonesty. Don't you understand subtle humor, or must it hit you over the head? PLEASE, Mike, lighten up already. 

  3. kallous10:55 PM

    Mike D.  You are such a boring poster.  Have you ever thought about calling Triple-T for relief?

  4. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Mike, When Rush Limbaugh told his ditto-heads to falsely vote in the Democratic primary (operation chaos), it was an attempt to subvert the Democratic process. Simply hoping the opposition tears its own-self apart is substantially different, don't you agree? 

  5. bridle8:26 AM

    bridle post below

  6. Mike D.9:57 AM

    Nope, Bridle,

    I do not agree.  It's bad when they do it, but it's fine when we do it does not do it for me.

    If this guy Gardner were to beat Foxx in the primaries, you can be certain that J.W.'s well-wishing would instantly turn to dirt-digging and back-stabbing.

    There is no room for intellectual honesty in partisan politics.

  7. Opinionated10:29 AM

    I'd rather have ANYbody sane in that seat than Madame Foxx.  It remains to be seen whether Gardner fits the bill.

  8. BikerBard5:11 PM

    Mike D:
    I assume your comment includes YOURSELF?

  9. BikerBard5:18 PM

    Bridle: See JW on Sunday afternoon at the rally. He will point me out to you. Come introduce yourself. -BB

  10. Anonymous6:19 PM



  11. Mike D.6:20 PM

    Sorry, that was my post.

  12. Mike D.6:31 PM


    It has been pointed out to me that I am not the only participant of this forum who holds "nuanced positions" on the issues, so I speak only of myself in this post.

    I don't believe I have ever espoused supremacy of the party line of any particular political party, in this forum or anywhere else, as I don't follow any party's line, nor am I a registered member of any political party, so yes, absolutely.  My comment includes myself.

    Why do you ask?

  13. Anonymous8:31 PM

    OK, weather permitting. 

  14. Mike D.9:08 PM

    That's not fair.

    I want to meet Bridle too! :)

  15. BikerBard9:09 PM

    I understand. So belonging to a political party precludes "intellectual honesty?" Is that like a "pre-exhisting condition?" And you are above such reproach? Really?

  16. Mike D.1:46 AM


    There is a huge difference between belonging to a political party and publicly selling each and every talking point of that party.

    Belonging to a political party does not suggest intellectual dishonesty.  Shilling for one does.

    Would you not say that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are intellectually dishonest? 

    Pretending to wish Gardner well when you actually despise and attack anyone who belongs to his political party is intellectually dishonest.  Throw up whatever kind of smokescreen or counter attack you wish, but it is what it is.

  17. Anonymous9:59 AM

    So it's not OK to hope that her own party damages her chances for re-election? Even if I really think she is destructive and harmful to our society? Is it OK to hope as long as one doesn't talk about it? 

  18. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I don't despise everyone who belongs to that party. I have several cherished relatives and friends who are Republicans, as well as more than a few who used to be Republicans but quit the party in disgust during the last administration. If you see sharks battling among themselves, isn't it OK to hope they thin their ranks out before they get to your side of the pool? 

  19. shyster10:56 AM

    Mike, is it not possible to prefer the lesser of two knaves?

  20. bridle12:38 PM

    Let's go look for "creasy greens" when the snow melts away.

  21. Mike D.1:26 PM


    Sounds like a plan!  In fact, I am scheduled to give a presentation this spring on local edible wild foods, and as my particular field of expertise is mushrooms, I thought, perhaps, that you might be willing to help me with the plant side.  I can compensate your time with fresh morels. :)

    That is, if the weather be good!

  22. Mike D.1:28 PM


    Curb your tongue, knave!

  23. bridle3:24 PM

    Yer on! When? 

  24. Mike D.6:46 PM

    I'm going to try to make it to the rally on Sunday.  If so, I'll let you know then.  There is no bus service on Sunday, and it's a little cool yet for a bike ride, so I'm not sure if I will be there.

    If I don't make it, BikerBard has my email address and he will pass it along to you.  I would just print it here, but my inbox would likely be flooded with Craig Dudley's anti-Israel propaganda. ;)

  25. BikerBard10:15 PM

    Mike D.:
    STILL looking forward to YOUR blog site.
