Friday, February 05, 2010

Long Way Down

The dangers of losing your base: "The woman who chaired Democratic U.S. Rep. Larry Kissell's two congressional campaigns has turned against him. Dannie Montgomery, a teacher from Anson County who served as first vice chair of the N.C. Democratic Party, said in a news release that Kissell 'has turned his back on the grassroots supporters who propelled him to office.' ..."

Kissell has drawn at least one Democratic primary challenger, writer Nancy Shakir of Fayetteville.

1 comment:

  1. clarence mcAuley11:32 AM

    Larry Kissell will not got my support in the upcomming election.   As hard as I worked to get Kissel in office I will work TWICE as hard to get him out of office. He is a turn COAT.
