Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wilkes County Republican Announces Against Goss

Jeffrey Elmore, a North Wilkesboro town commissioner, has announced that he'll enter the Republican primary in May to take on incumbent Democratic state Senator Steve Goss.

Elmore comes in to the race a couple of months behind Dan Soucek. That primary will bear watching.

Soucek has been groomed for this race by Virginia Foxx, but apparently Mr. Elmore didn't get that memo.


  1. Mike D.2:09 AM

    Yayyyyyyy!!!! :-D

  2. BRockBlue8:37 AM

    How nice to have the comments back on WW!! 

  3. BikerBard10:30 AM

    Welcome back! :) We missed you!

  4. BikerBard5:27 PM

    Now that we're back, how about we model the "Other Site?"

    Hey you Conservatives! Why should you be allowed to breathe? Mike, I demand you represent the entire Conservative nation. If you say anything insulting, we will kick you out! Only WE are allowed to insult anyone. Begin!


  5. Mike D.11:42 PM


    I am flattered that you would choose me to direct the Conservative movement.  However, I am not very Conservative, so I don't think they would enjoy that.

    I hope you noticed that although I did cave in and post on that other site while J.W. was upgrading WataugaWatch, I was certainly no cheerleader for their team. :-P

  6. BikerBard5:50 PM

    Relax, Mike. That was a joke. I know you've been reading that other site, and I'm sure you chuckled at their insistance that "lib-brels" bark for them. Why would WW want to model itself on such a site of little interest and filled with losers.
