Thursday, January 14, 2010

Virginia Foxx: Bad for Business?

Republican political analyst John Davis sez that North Carolina business interests have shied away from recent Republican politicians because most business-oriented voters do not regard a "preoccupation with a right-wing religious and/or socially conservative agenda" as the main business of government, let alone the main business of business.

Jack Betts quotes Davis:
If I am out of work, living on unemployment, can't afford health insurance, can't afford to keep my kids in college, can't afford to buy my family Christmas gifts ... don't come to my door asking for my vote based on your position on abortion. If my wife is sick and I can't afford to take her to a doctor, and my daughter lost her job and I can't afford to help her pay her rent ... don't come to my door asking for my vote based on your position on same-sex marriage.

In the photograph here reproduced, that's Congresswoman Virginia Foxx endorsing Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Renato Calabria in 2005. He evidently thought Foxx was good for his business.


  1. BikerBard5:30 PM

    I'm not sure this photo is good for his business.

  2. olevet699:56 PM

    Actually, she would be a good poster child

  3. Dipole Girl7:40 PM

    Now HE knows how to wear the bronzer!
