Friday, January 29, 2010

Virginia Foxx as Cruella de Ville (Again)

The number of people living in poverty has jumped by nearly 2,600,000 to 39,800,000, the highest number since 1960. Check!

The number of children who live in poverty increased by 744,000 to 14,000,000. Check!

According to a resolution passed in the U.S. House on Wednesday of this week, "The next Census report on poverty will likely illustrate higher levels of poverty as the report will reflect data from 2009, a year in which the economy experienced substantial job loss and historic levels of long-term unemployment, leading some experts to project that the overall poverty rate may increase by 1.5 percentage points and the percentage of children living in poverty may increase by 6 percentage points in the next report."

Madam Virginia Foxx was one of only 18 in the U.S. House to vote against the resolution. Why? Take your pick:
a. The resolution was introduced by a Democrat, and she doesn't vote for anything with Democratic cooties

b. She's following Zippy the Pinhead's New Testament, the one that says, "Eff the poor, and do not feed the hungry, because it just encourages them to breed"

c. She despises the poor and the hungry because she's full of self-loathing. Anyone who brags about how poor she was growing up, and votes like this on a harmless resolution, is possessed of something dark and twisted and demon-inspired.


  1. OT--Obama just schooled the Republicans but good this afternoon. It was an amazing thing to watch. As for this newest picture--OMG.

  2. brotherdoc8:32 PM

    Guess you saw this today, VA Foxx all a-Twitter to get Obama's autograph.  For what?  To forge some bailout checks?

  3. Proudly Dem8:51 PM

    CNN picked up on the latest Foxx story also.  See here:

    A little more bad publicity doesn't hurt at all.  Apparently she's become a favorite laughingstock for the major media.  Ha!  Ha!

  4. BikerBard10:00 PM

    LOVE the new caricature! Foxx is, I'm sure, happy with the publicity. As the saying goes, "Even BAD publicity is still, publicity!" She is fast becomming a national joke. Amazing!

  5. Sorry, my link does not seem to work.  Anyway, I'm sure you all remember it.

  6. It's 5 am in Washington DC and you have pick up a local DC Hooker last nite. You are awaking in a flea bitten Motel 42 and turn over in her bed and OMG it the newest Pic of Congresswomen Foxx besides you...............

  7. brotherdoc10:01 AM

    Love it that the pix turned up on HuffPo!  Jerry, did not know how artistically talented you are--should you be giving a credit, or does the creator of ths image wish to remain anonymous?!
