Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Cleptocracy Rules

Oh, just go read any national news source for yourself, about this Supreme Court 5-4 decision unleashing corporations to out-and-out finish buying our government for themselves.

They were pretty much there already, but still.

Hell, we weren't using our democracy anyway.

And the corps were maybe getting a little nervous that we might make them stop giving us cancer and shit.


  1. bridle7:34 PM

    It's the best government money can buy.

  2. brotherdoc11:00 PM

    Free speech for corporations?!  FIrst of all, it won't be free, they will buy what they want to say in the media with many millions of the dollars they earn from (whatever business they are in).  Second, there's no logical comparison between the speech of a corporation and a person.  I will still have free speech but what is my whisper in the roar of the corporate whirlwind?  The American democratic experiment died with this court decision.

  3. thank you conservatives!

  4. Mike D.12:07 AM

    <span>"I will still have free speech but what is my whisper in the roar of the corporate whirlwind?  The American democratic experiment died with this court decision."</span>

    Take heart, brother.  One year after the Presidential election, a state that has been totally in the bag for one party for four decades decides to rewrite the political landscape because they are not comfortable with their team calling the shots without any balancing voice, and you think the "American democratic experiment" has died?

    I am sorry for you that your guys aren't finding the absolute power they had hoped for, but that's just how it goes, man!  I don't see you throwing any penalty flags about ACORN or the 2010 Census, both of them completely controlled, totally undemocratic, and dedicated to undermining the will of the people.

    I'll tell you what.  'The people', those inferior masses whose blind ignorance prevents you and your associates from bringing the idiots your perfect society (a society that benefits them, most of all), we idiots will watch those corporations, and when they get as far out of line as your despicable monarchist friends, we will slap them down, just as we have slapped down your associates.

    Once again, we will protect your freedom.  Someday, you may wish to join us.

  5. bridle12:18 PM

    Mike, What is undemocratic about the 2010 census? 

  6. Once again, we will protect your freedom.  Someday, you may wish to join us.* Mike

    LOL! What? With a Corporate Exxon tatoo on your ASS! Better Yet! Wait until the Pope goes Corporate and has a Satanic Republican Neo-Con Goat tatoo on your forehead.........

  7. Proudly Dem4:49 PM

    Someone who tweeted Rick Sanchez on CNN on this topic suggested that elected officials who are in the pocket of corporations should wear their logos on their clothing just like NASCAR drivers.  Not a bad idea!

  8. Mike D.12:55 AM

    Proudly Dem,

    Your buddies Pelosi and Reid would never go for it, as their cooperation is purchased so much more deeply than any prostitute could ever deep-throat.

    But still, I love your idea.  They should have to sew decals onto their blazers.

  9. BikerBard8:39 AM

    I'm sure Lieberman's logo for the insurance industry will cover his entire business suit.

  10. Mike D.9:50 AM

    Reid and Pelosi both take more, BikerBard.

    Raw numbers don't lie, but the people who decide what BikerBard is going to think, they do lie.

  11. bridle10:09 AM

    Mike, Do you have a beef with the census?

  12. Mike D.11:54 AM


    Yes.  I think the Executive branch pulling the Census under their direct control is damaging to the democratic process.

  13. bridle3:25 PM

    Mike - How is it damaging? The role of the executive branch of our government is to enforce the law. Carrying out the census which is mandated by the constitution would seem to be a logical fit for the executive office, if anything is. 

  14. BikerBard4:54 PM

    Waiting for your answer, too, Mike. This should be good.
