Sunday, April 12, 2009

Virginia Foxx Is a Dick

Fifth District Congresswoman Virginia Foxx never passes up a chance to bestow her extreme conservative dogma on a captive audience of school kids. She's done it to grade school children, so she was certainly going to do it to high school kids marched into the cafeteria to hear her at North Surry High School last Wednesday. She spewed her bullshit about government. She spewed her bullshit about Democrats. She spewed her bullshit about Barack Obama. But the topic she spewed on that got up the ire of the editor at the Mount Airy News was tobacco regulation:
Speaking to students at North Surry High School Foxx assailed government attempts to regulate and tax tobacco, saying that is no different than if the government were to regulate and tax Mountain Dew.

Let us repeat that: Foxx, a one-time educator who is now supposedly representing the state's fifth congressional district's interest in Washington, stood in front of a room full of teenagers and essentially said tobacco use was no different than drinking Mountain Dew.

We cannot think of a more inappropriate, indefensible, irresponsible comment, especially given her audience.

Harsh words, coming from a local newspaper that supported The Madam's election and reelection.

This was the editorial's lead paragraph:
In the world according to N.C. Fifth District Virginia Foxx, seatbelts and airbags would not be required on vehicles, speed limits would be a thing of the past, it would be OK for teens to purchase alcohol, no one working around asbestos and similar materials would be required to wear protective breathing masks, and ... the list could go on endlessly.

And the editorial concluded:
The only good thing we can say is that we're glad Foxx is no longer an educator, because we would not want someone like this addressing the county's youth every day.

And until she issues a genuine apology and can convince the public she doesn't really believe this, we wonder if it is appropriate for local school systems to allow her to address students again.

Best not to hold your breath for that apology.

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