Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Daniel Johnson Gets a Little Attention

Long profile article about Daniel Johnson in today's Charlotte Observer. Johnson is the chief Democratic challenger hoping to get the party's nod in May to run against NC-10 Congressman Pat McHenry in November. He's already shown impressive fundraising abilities and has attracted the interest of Washington party insiders.

"There's a lot of discontent in [the 10th] district, just as there is nationwide," Johnson told the Observer's Lisa Zagaroli.

He also said of Patty McHenry, "His style of politics is an old style of politics that people are tired of, which is to be divisive, and to not come up with solutions but to bicker about the problems, to continue the inertia that has kept Washington from solving any of those problems. [He] is a huge part of stirring up that partisan rancor in Congress."

McHenry's response (through his press secretary) was revealing -- "McHenry defends traditional family values" and "some Washington politicians don't like the fact that Congressman McHenry won't accept the broken status quo, and it's telling that someone would criticize him for that" -- since Johnson didn't say a word about "family values."

McHenry perhaps protests too much, especially since its his leading Republican challenger in the May primary who's been making comments about McHenry's (lack of) family values. Republican Lance Sigmon said of McHenry, "If people knew he did things ... they might find he is not the person they think he is."


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