Friday, July 27, 2007

Answering Mr. Phillips

In the comments to a thread below ("Playahs"), Stephen Phillips says we got it wrong: "I voted FOR cracking down on rentals to more than 2 unrelated persons in established neighborhood. (Your information is wrong)."

So we returned to the minutes of the Boone Area Planning Board to check our notes:
11/18/02 CASE NO. RZ2002-17 The Town of Boone has filed a text amendment to UDO Section 169 which would prohibit renting out rooms within a single-family residence to unrelated persons as an accessory use in the R-1 zoning district ....
VOTE: Aye -8
Nay - 1 (Commissioner Phillips)
Unless Mr. Phillips has some other documentation that proves these minutes wrong, we'll stand by our previous characterization of his vote on the Planning Board.

Quarterly Public Hearing Minutes, 8/10/06 Case 20060341 The Boone Town Council has initiated text amendments to UDO Articles II, X, XI, XIX, and XX to address large scale retail land uses .... Commissioner Stephen Phillips mentioned that the impact studies are missing the fact that these types of businesses, Lowe's or Wal-Mart, employ many ASU students on a part-time basis. These students need the flexibility of part-time hours more than full-time benefits. The smaller businesses might not allow for the flexibility of hours....
No mention in the minutes that Mr. Phillips expressed concern about the sale of the old high school property.

And relative to the issue of prohibiting university development in the central business district:
3/19/07 Case 20070088 The Boone Town Council has initiated a zoning text amendment to UDO Article X, Section 165. The proposed amendment would prohibit colleges, universities, and community colleges (Use 5.130) in the Town's B-1, B-2 and B-3 zoning districts and prohibit hospitals, clinics, and other medical treatment facilities in excess of 10,000 square feet (Use 7.100) in the Town's R-1 and R-1A zoning districts .... Commissioner Phillips asked about the impact of moving the Cultural Museum to a more visible location in the business zoning districts. Mr. Spear said that the Cultural Museum falls into a different land use classification and would be unaffected by this change. Mr. Spear noted for example that if Caldwell Community College wanted to build an educational facility in a business district, this would not be allowed unless the area were rezoned. Commissioner Phillips asked about the Goodnight Brothers building on Howard Street and if this building were to be removed, could the area be used as a park? Mr. Spear said that if this area were proposed to be a park, it would fall into a different land use classification and be unaffected by the proposed text ....
Aye - 7
Nay - 1 (Commissioner Phillips)

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