Wednesday, June 06, 2007

They Have a Dream: No Abortion, Not Ever, for Any Reason

With leading Republican contender Rudy Giuliani trying to lead his party to a more moderate stance on abortion, anti-abortion activists met in Washington yesterday to beat their tom-toms, but rather than the reassuring, mindless chant these gatherings usually offer, there was open revolt among the brethren. "Anti-abortion absolutists" criticized the biggest voices in the movement, like Focus on the Family and National Right to Life, because they have emphasized making abortions more difficult to get rather than banning all abortions outright.

The dissidents accused Mullah James Dobson and others of "money-grubbing" the issue.

Get this: the revolt among the anti-abortion crowd is led by people particularly upset by the recent Supreme Court case outlawing "partial-birth abortion." Why? (Especially considering that for the first time, the Supreme Court approved a restriction on abortion that contained no exceptions, not even for the health of the woman, and the justices adopted antiabortion rhetoric in key portions of the majority opinion.)

Because the ruling also explicitly endorsed other methods of abortion.

According to the LATimes, that Supreme Court decision was nothing short of evil to anti-abortion dissidents like Brian Rohrbough, president of Colorado Right to Life. "He was appalled that his fellow activists not only claimed the ruling as a victory, but also used it as a fundraising tool, appealing to donors for more money to keep the momentum going."

Rohrbough and the pastor of the Denver Bible Church wrote a long letter to Rev. Dobson urging him to "repent," and they've turned the letter into newspaper ads that have run in the Washington Times and in Dobson's hometown newspaper.

The day that the Rev. James Dobson is seen as compromising on abortion is a dangerous day indeed.

The "absolutists" intend to force their movement back to an absolutist position: "No more compromises, no more half-steps, just an all-out effort for an all-out ban."

And wouldn't THAT be a happy kingdom of God on earth? The ultimate in the Power of the State.

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